
I guess we are taking a break from talking about IF and the paths that lay in front of us. On one hand it's nice, but on the other, it feels like we are dancing around a giant elephant in the room. I can deal with a little bit of dancing to help bring some peace, I just hope end up somewhere that has us trying. I think that if B realizes that I will leave him if he refuses to try the methods to get sperm, he will do it. He really needs to be shoved into these things. We haven't been going to bed together or spending much time together, which is strange but necessary, I guess.

We still need counseling- I haven't found anyone who specializes in IF, and I'd really like to. We need to save some money and I need to lose some weight. I guess it is easiest to focus on that and other things with the house right now. According to one RE, if I weigh less, I'll need less meds and it will be less expensive. Plus, then I'll fit into a lot more of my clothes.

The extra savings goal is a little nuts but doable if we both work a little extra. B has started working 2 extra hours a day, which will be half of our monthly goal, and I need to tutor 5 hours a week, which is quite a bit of extra work for me. For weight, I need to lose at least 25 pounds. 25-45 would probably be more ideal. Unfortunately, I am back on the drug that hinders my weight loss, but it helps me get through the day. I am going to try to be on the elliptical machine through a whole episode of Grey's Anatomy. Even if I am only slowly going, I am going to make it through the 42 minutes, or whatever, every day. Hopefully I will actually do that and it will counteract this med. a little. It sucks being back up a few after going down some.


  1. Good Luck losing the weight!

    My lazy butt needs some too!

    And I want you to use the break to recover financially, physically and emotionally!

    Good Luck.

  2. I feel you on the weight loss thing. It seems like every time I loose a few pounds something happens and I gain them back. It's completely frustrating!

  3. I'm so sorry that things are really bad for you right now. I am realizing that I need to go back on my meds too, but it also makes me gain weight. I put on 90 pounds when I went on them once, I was able to get 50 off last year and still have about 25 left, but I know that if I go back on these I will really struggle to lose more, and may even gain some back. My psychologist said, "Hmmm....a couple of pounds gained verses the will to live..." I am still not convinced though.

    I hope that things start improving for you. A break sounds like the perfect thing.

  4. According to one RE, if I weigh less, I'll need less meds and it will be less expensive.

    Liar liar, pants on fire. >:(

    Seriously. The amount of medication at this point is moot, what's most important is how you respond to the medication. Take me, for example. I was 270lbs when I underwent IVF (just shy of turning 39, too!) and was on the standard protocol for a first IVF (because honestly, IVF is a big guessing game as each woman will respond differently). You can find my protocol here:

    That RE is full of it when it comes to weight. Grrr...

  5. I'm afraid I'm with Orodemniades on the "liar, liar pants on fire" issue.

    To quote a bit of the abstract of a study (published in the Journal of Obstetric Gynaecology 2007 Oct;27(7):699-702.),

    "Patients were divided into five groups: Group A (BMI < 19); Group B (BMI between 19 and 25.9); Group C (BMI between 26 and 30.9); Group D (BMI between 31 and 35.9); Group E (BMI > 36). ... The results showed no significant difference in the average number of days taking follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) for ovarian stimulation, the average amount of gonadotrophin used for stimulation, number of eggs collected and fertilisation rate. The pregnancy rate, miscarriage rate and the live-birth rate were not statistically different between all groups."

    The authors do go on to mention a (somewhat) higher miscarriage rate in the highest weight group, so I'm not saying there's no benefit to losing weight (and there may of course be benefits to your own health as well). But gonadotropin dosage isn't likely to be one of them.

  6. Emmy, I'm not sure what to say but I am just so sorry you are having to go through any of this.

    I guess it would be good for you to see a counselor that specializes in IF. I have said many times that having kids is not something that anyone should compromise on. If you want them, you should find a way to have them, and if Brian really doesn't, I don't know that he should . . .

    On the other hand, if I were him, I think I would not want to think about this any more than I had to, and the whole idea of dealing with it might be so overwhelming that it's like "F it". Which comes back to the counselor. I think if he was forced to deal with and think about and talk about it, it certainly might help him come to terms with the whole situation and what needs to be done because of it.

    But again, I just wish you weren't going through this at all. ((((HUGS))))

  7. A break can be one of the best things you do along the trying journey - for your physical and mental sanity.

    There are bound to be some counselors who specialize in IF. I know there are some in our area and I've heard they're fabulous. I've also heard that some who don't "get it" can actually make things work, so be picky on that one.

    Best wishes to you and B. I think we sometimes forget how emotionally taxing this can be not just on us individually, but as a couple. But, you've recognized that and are going to do something about it, which is huge!

    Hang in there, sweetie!


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