
We're back arguing about IF. I hate this. I really do. I wish I were clairvoyant. That would really help a lot in this process. Having the safety of donor sperm would be nice too. A winning lottery ticket would help too. Why is this so frustrating??

I hate that so many little things are bothering me. I feel like I am in one of those places where all the little things are so piled up, that one more little thing is just going to break it all, and I am going to have a massive break down.

Nothing planned for the weekend. I'm ready for a nap.


  1. I'm so sorry Emmy! Can you take a good nap? That always seems to help. Maybe curl up in bed with a good book or a good tv show and a little tranquilizer? I know that sounds terrible recommending that, but hey, you and I both know that sometimes something like that is needed. Oh, I hope that you can somehow feel better today. The arguing must be so hard and exhausting. Please keep us updated :(

  2. So sorry for the arguing. There are so many raw emotions on both sides of this journey that it's easy to end up in the middle of an argument before you know it! DH and I do it, too, unfortunately. (((HUGS))) Glad you're able to have a restful weekend from here on out.

  3. Sounds like you need a nap, hun. Or several....


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