
I did something today that I've been meaning to do for awhile, aside from putting the Halloween decorations away and cleaning the house.  I pulled the pants storage bin out from under the bed.  I think I've mentioned before that I have pants in a wide range of sizes, and that I hate them.  I've run out of space, and it is so hard to remember which pair of jeans or slacks fit.  I took 3 pair of work pants and 1 pair of jeans out of the smaller-sized bin, and put in 5 pair of too-big pants.  I didn't try on all of the smaller ones, but they looked like they might work.  Tomorrow will be a fun day figuring out what to wear! 

The weight loss is still stalled.  I have been stable for two weeks at a total of 22 pounds lost.  Another 20 or so would be incredible, but I don't know if I can do/maintain it.  I hate this plateau!  I just hope that when I go in for my annual soon, she notices the weight loss, since she commented on the weight gain last year. 

There are some strange things swirling around in my head.  I need to figure out how to express them to get some advice. 


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! It's frustrating when you reach a plateau, I hope you're able to get past it.
    I too have clothes in a wide variety of sizes and its so frustrating to figure out what fits and what doesn't. I'm sometimes tempted to just chuck everything and get new stuff!


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