
Gotta get a post in before midnight, my time. I figure this whole post a day thing works on my time, and by my clock right now, I have 32 minutes. This whole post a day thing is hard. I knew it would be, but still. I am glad that it has helped me get some of my thoughts into posts, or posts to come.

Today was fun. We went to Griffith observatory, and wandered around. Then, we went to dinner at one of our favorite LA restaurants that we rarely get to, since we hate to go into the city at all. It's amazing how long 30ish miles can take one way, and how fast it can go later!

All in all, it was a good day. Lots of things worked out for us, that we were not expecting. I'll get a picture or two up soon!


  1. I'm glad you had a good day. I couldn't do a post a day. Some of my days are so mind numbingly boring that I don't think anybody would want to hear about! Haha!

  2. WTG on the post a day! I'm a couple days behind, but I've enjoyed it, too! Scheduling is my friend! :-) You're day sounds lovely!

  3. I'm glad that you had fun in LA. I LOVE going there! Last summer we went to The Ivy and ended up being on TMZ! I think LA is a great place to forget about all that is going on in your life.


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