I'm gonna try

So, I think I am going to try NaBloPoMo this year. The idea behind National Blog Posting Month is to post every day in the month of November. So, if I do this right, you will be hearing from me every day, and I'll have at least 30 posts in November! This is a good month for me to do this, sort of, because I have a decent amount of time off. My trouble is going to be next Saturday, when I am out of town. That is the only day that I don't know what to do. I can post before we leave on Friday, and after we get home on Sunday, but Saturday is a mystery to me!

You should try too! It might be fun. Plus, it might be interesting to see what kind of posts come out for me.

So far, I'm 2 for 2!

Oh yay, Monday. Back to work. I'd rather go back to bed!


  1. Interesting! I have issues commiting to ICLW- so I will set out of this one. :) Maybe I will try, and see how it goes on my own. I get writers block when I HAVE to write. Did you know that you can text or email posts to your blog? It is so easy- just set up the number in your setting in Blogger.

    They will give you a number to text or email address to email to. You just tap out your post and send and it posts to your blog! Viola!!! You don't have to worry about being away from the computer, and you can hit your 30 posts in November!

  2. well, if you can post every day then so can I...thanks for the tip.


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