The birthday party

Sunday's birthday party for my dead brother went well. Most of his best friends came. It was really nice to hear them tell stories about him and give their impressions of him. I could hear his voice through them.

It was also really interesting to hear how all of us experienced similar grand losses of time. I barely remember my class last year and the end of the school year. I don't know why my memory is so gone, but am glad that I am not the only one. I think my brain was/is too overwhelmed to form trivial, lasting memories. I really feel like a lot is missing.

My mom did really well on Sunday and has been in good spirits when I've talk to/seen her. We got her Beatles Rockband, and she loves it! She called me and wants to learn to use the PS3 on her own, because usually my stepdad does it. I thought it would be a good distraction for her, since she loves to sing and has always wanted to play drums.

It was a good thing we did this. I think it was nice for all.


  1. Sounds like a great healing opportunity for all. Not that healing is ever complete after something like this, but I'm glad it went well.

  2. I am glad that it went well- I am just sorry that you had to go through this. What a tribute to him that you all came and shared stories.

    That is so cool that you got your mom the Beatles Rockband! That was a good idea.


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