the flake

I have this friend.  I've known her for a long time.  She lives on the other coast now, and is in town for two weeks visiting her parents.  She tells me that she wants to see me, but puts all of her other friends first.  She expects me to just be around for her all the time, and then flakes when we do make plans.  I'm getting so sick of it.  I just ignored a call from her, and she left a message.  I don't want to check it.  I don't want to her whatever excuse she has now for why she flaked again.  I'm sick of it. 

I'll tell her that I have a limited time that I can see her tomorrow, and if it works for her, great, but if not, forget it.  I'm tired of being last choice with her.  It sucks.  I don't know what else to do. 


  1. That sounds perfect. Give her a small amount of time. If she flakes, then it won't ruin your whole day's plans, and you will know that you took control.

    People like this annoy the crap out of me.

  2. I think that's the perfect way to handle it! You're time is valuable, too. If she really wants to see you and can't fit into your timeline, there's always next time.

    Hope it works out! (((HUGS)))


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