6 months

If all goes how I want it to, in 6 months I will be pupo (pregnant until proven otherwise).  As we get closer to 2010, it gets scarier and scarier to think about what is to come. 

I still need to pick a doctor.  We still need to talk to B's brother about DS.  We still need to sort some things out financially.  There is a lot to do. 

We are not doing anything for NYE.  After last year, we just want to lay low and hide out.  I think it will work.  We are going to one of my favorite places soon, so hopefully that will create a nice memory for this time of year. 

I need for 2010 to be an improvement over 09.  I can't take another year like this one has been.  Please, please, please, please be a good year. 


  1. I pray that in 6 months you will be pregnant. 2010 has got to be way better for you than 2009. It was truly horrible for you.

    We are not doing anything for NYE either. We never do. I don't like parties or having to socialize for long periods of time. I would rather lay in my bed and watch the festivities on tv and then get up when the ball drops.

    I read last years post, and it was neat to see how your husband has changed his mind. What he wasn't ready for at the time, he is ready for now, and that is exciting.

  2. If no sign of pragnant you are welcome to Visit Malaysia.. Try our Tradisional Madicine.It's hard to belived but nothing to loose. Tq


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