
Well, last night was a relative success.  There were no problems, really, with anyone.  It was nice.  I was ready to leave a bit earlier than we did, but whatever.  My FIL and I got into a nice heated discussion about school vouchers.  We totally disagree, but had a nice hug after. 

I had a minute to tell BIL that I have an update on what he will be involved in.  He asked to come for dinner and spend the night tomorrow night, and said we'd talk then (he got a new job much closer to our house than his).  So, we may actually have some sort of an answer from him on Monday. 


  1. I'm glad dinner was okay. Can't wait to hear what D says on Monday!

  2. I'm glad that dinner went well. Good luck with D and KUP!

  3. So glad the dinner went better than expected! I look forward to hearing about BIL's visit.


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