flat tire

Darn it!!  B's brother got a flat tire and had to reschedule dinner until tomorrow.  I am SOOOO bummed. 

I was so anxious today, I was dry heaving all day.  I guess I can look forward to another day of that tomorrow.  I just want to get this over with! 

A big thanks to all of you for your support.  Thanks for delurking-- feel free to chime in any time!  I love to hear from you.  Also, thanks for your suggestions and support for this talk. 

B's bro doesn't know about the IF yet, but he did find out in August 2008 that we were trying, so who knows what he's thought of/figured out since so much time has passed since then. 


  1. I'm sorry you weren't able to see him tonight. I hope there are no glitches tomorrow and that everything goes well. Lots of positive thoughts to you and B.

  2. Crap! at least it's rescheduled for tomorrow and not next week. Only 1 more day of dry-heaving. :) Good luck tomorrow!

  3. I can't believe it! Another day of feeling like crap! I am crossing everything for you, and I can't wait to hear about it.

  4. Sometimes it's as though the waiting game of IF never ends, if it's not one thing it's a flat tyre! Thinking of you as you work your way through today.

  5. BUMMER! I guess you get an extra day to think things over and continue dry heaving.... :( Tonight's the night!

  6. Oh, that sucks! I hope that today goes by fast for you so you don't end up feeling sick all day. I can't wait to hear what he says tonight!

  7. Hi, I'm here to delurk as well as wish you luck tomorrow. I'm sorry the dinner got put off a day -- I can't imagine how nervous you are. Hang in there. Good luck.

    We are dealing with MFIF too and will probably need DS. I can sympathize with the grief of azoo.

  8. What bad timing for a flat!! SERIOUSLY! At least it's tonight and not next week sometime.

    Thinking of you, Emmy. Can't wait to hear the update.

  9. Just discovered your blog. How stressful to ask you bro-in-law for help of this kind, but I hope he will do it!
    Also, sorry to see that you lost your own brother not too long ago. I am very sorry for your loss. My bro died last year, too - also young, also an overdose. You've been though a lot. Wishing you luck...


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