
In the spirit of delurking week, come on in and say hello.  Seriously!  As a lurker and generally shy person, I know how intimidating it can be, but please?  Be anonymous if you want. 

Oh, and there are a few (I can think of two specifically) of you who do leave comments, and don't have a link to your blog in your profile.  I want to find/re-find your blogs! 

I had my annual peek-n-poke today.  According to the doctor's scale, I've lost 28.5 pounds in the past year.  She looked at me, and commented that I had lost weight.  I love this doctor that I see.  She is not on my insurance, but I've been going there for 13 years.  She remembers (writes down and rereads before she comes in) lots of personal details that really make it seem like she cares.  I told her that if I do get pregnant, I'll have to change doctors because of the insurance thing, and she said that they often work out a deal with people in that situation and it is often comparable.  She said that if it isn't, she wants to make sure she sends me to someone good. 

I'm having some freak-outs, now that it is 2010 and we are looking at 6 months till IVF. 
  • What if there are no sperm, and B doesn't end up being ok with donor?
  • What if they find sperm, but no embryos make it?
  • Can we afford this?
  • Can we afford a child for the next 30 years?
  • What happens if it doesn't work?  What do I do?
I know there is always uncertainty in life and everything that comes with it.  What I don't know is if I can handle these uncertainties.  The piece of me that says that if I don't try, I can't fail is really fighting the rest of me right now.  It's the 'easy' way out, sort of.  But then what? 

What do you do to help you sort things out? 

Don't forget to delurkify


  1. Hey I am new to the blogging world and am about 6 months away from going through IVF as well! All the crazy things we go through and the thoughts that run through my head daily are CRAZY!

    I wish you all the best in your journey and look forward to doing this with you and others! Have a great night!

  2. Hey I'm a bit of a lurker! The waiting is the pits and leaves us full of doubts, but hang in there!

  3. Also a lurker. I am not a regular commenter at all.

    The waiting is really difficult. Hang in there. It will hopefully be worth it in the end!

  4. I tend to think about things A LOT to see how I feel about each possible future situation.

    Regarding your first question, will you be making this decision beforehand? We didn't really talk about it once we knew there were sperm, but I think if I could go back and change something about our first IVF, I'd do a 50/50 split of DH and donor.

    Hang in there, Emmy. You'll figure everything out!

  5. Erm, just delurkifying really! I've been following your blog for quite a while now but don't think I ever comment (partly because I feel I have no right to - does that make sense?).
    In regards to what helps to sort things out: I love to make lists, write things down so that you get them out of your head, and can look at them. I also think about worst-case scenarios and how they would make me feel, and what I would/could then do to make the situation better.
    Good luck and all the best for 2010!

  6. Delurking to say "hi" and I know where you're at. Just try to take it one day at a time... any more than that and you might start hyperventilating like I do at times! Hang in there!

  7. I'm a lurker, here to say hello! I can relate to your situation and have to say -- only you and your DH can answer those questions. You will come to the right decisions for you, but go easy on yourself as you try to navigate what those answers are.

    Good luck in 2010!

  8. I read your blog all the time Emmy, I don't "de-lurk" very often, but know that I'm out here reading, and cheering for you!


  9. De-lurking to say "HI"! Hope this New Year holds the best for you guys!

  10. I pray a lot. Meditate. Do yoga. I think your questions are valid ones. I'm someone who wants "every option" covered, so I have a game plan.

  11. I always have so many questions running through my head too about the rightness of our decisions. One thing that I've always lived by is to ask myself if I would regret it later if I didn't try right now. And if the answer is yes, then I know that I have to try, no matter the cost.
    Hugs to you!

  12. hi emmy! i've been lurking on your blog for a while now, following your story. i know you from ivillage, although we move in different threads, so i never felt like it would be appropriate for me to comment. i hope and pray that 2010 brings you good things!



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