inappropriate quote of the day

My principal said this to me today,

"Don't ever get pregnant, because after the baby, you have to deal with the kid."

Thanks for that piece of assvice.  Why did you go into education?

They were talking about problems that come up when pregnant, because I teacher I work with had a pretty bad complication (though she and baby are fine now).  Still, not appropriate. 


  1. What a douche. Though I must say - assvice - LOVE IT.

  2. Yuck. I HATE IT when people tell me not to have kids. And from your principal??? Gah.

  3. His attempt to be amusing sure didn't work out so well, did it? UGH!

  4. Ha! I work in education too, and I hear silly comments like that too! Some people are soo crazy...yet they have no problem having kids....weird world we live in!

  5. Really? Wow. That is just amazingly stupid.


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