the calm

This week has been so strange, with the high anxiety leading up to Tuesday's talk.  The rest of the week has felt like an emotional cake walk. 

Despite my lack of sleep Tuesday night, I was feeling really good on Wednesday.  I was SO ravenous, it was crazy.  I certainly gave in to my hunger, but not as much as I used to.  It just felt like such a weight had been lifted. 

We are still waiting to hear back from D (donor).  I didn't expect to hear from him yet, but part of me was hoping for a quick yes. 

I had to push back my appointment a few days.  I'm bummed about that, but it's only a few days.  I feel like I need to be doing something else towards getting pg.  There must be something (other than working a ton to save up money) that I should be doing.  It's strange not to have something pushing me right now, it sort of makes me feel off. 

Is there something I'm forgetting??

In response to previous comments:
Yes, I'd love a weight loss buddy!!  My original loss goal put me 5 pounds under the top end of the healthy weight for my height, and my new goal puts me closer to the upper-middle of the healthy weight for my height.  Thanks for suggesting exemption from the 6 month quarantine rule!!  Good to know!  I'm also going to ask B's doctor for a discount.  They give them to some service professions, but not public school teachers... maybe they can be convinced! 


  1. I'm glad that you seem to be in a good mindset this week now that the anxiety has waned from "the talk". I don't think there's anything you're forgetting, but I know the feeling of wanting to feel like you're doing something.

    I hope you get your "yes" soon!

  2. Hang in there. Spent yesterday at our doctors' offices scheduling pre-IVF appointments. I'm trying to be patient, too.


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