
Tomorrow is going to be a big day.  B's brother is coming over for dinner tomorrow, and we are going to ask him if he would be a donor for us. 

I am SO apprehensive about this.  I keep thinking about how to start the conversation, but it just gets my stomach going.  Any suggestions? 

How is he going to react?  What if he says no? He'll likely have a lot of questions, and I hope we can answer them. 

In 36 hours, the conversation will be over.  I'm so curious to know where we'll be with all of this in two days.  I'll keep you posted.  


  1. I have no advice but I hope it ends up being a real good conversation for you two:)

  2. Thinking about you. My DH is supposed to have this same conversation with his brother very soon. I know the apprehension you's scary but it will be good when you get it over with. Let us know how it turns out!

  3. I hope the conversation goes well. I don't really know what advice to offer you as there is no way to "break in" this question without asking it. I will be thinking of you.

  4. Stumbled across your blog through another...

    I wanted to wish you good luck with your conversation. I don't have any advice but wanted you to know that you're in my thoughts. I hope that all goes well.

  5. Wow Emmy that is a huge step! I don't really know what advice to give other than maybe let him know why you 2 have picked him as a potential donor. Good luck! I'm looking forward to hearing about how it goes :)

  6. I have no advice but good luck with the conversation, I hope it has a really good outcome.

  7. Oh, wow, that is big!! I don't have any advice, but I would imagine that it will sort of shock him so give him time to digest it. Good luck, I can't wait to hear how it goes!

  8. Hope it goes well. Thinking about you here too!

  9. So exciting and nerve-wracking all at once! I'm happy for you that you will finally have some direction and I get he'll react better than you're anticipating. Hoping for the best for you!!!

  10. Good luck with your conversation! This is a big step for you guys and I am sure that you will handle it in the most effective way with a positive outcome. Keep us posted.

  11. Wow! Can't offer any advice but Good Luck!

  12. Good luck tonight! I'm very excited for you. I'll never forget that dinner... I hope it turns out exactly as you hope. Sending you lots of warmth today as the time gets closer!

  13. P.S. Forgot about the suggestions - I would start off by talking about your infertility, if he doesn't know about it, and explain the steps you've gone through so far, and then move to how you have thought about DS, with him specifically if he's agreeable. I agree with S.O. that he'll need time to digest this, and let him know that you don't need an answer right now, but you are hoping to move forward with the process if it's the path you will take by a specific month so he knows just how long before you'd like to know his decision. Crossing my fingers!!!!

  14. I have no advice but am thinking of you. We had several people offer to be surrogates for us after we lost the babies due to my cervix. We politely thanked them and declined, but it made me aware that more people that we know about are up on fertility related issues. So, possibly, he may already kind of understand what goes into things.


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