
I feel like I am falling behind on everything.  In fact, just typing that sentence made me think about my bills, so I just paid the electric bill due tomorrow.  I am behind in my classroom, behind asking BIL if he is really in (although he just told me that he is working on being more selfish to take care of his needs),  behind in reading and commenting on blogs... well, I guess I have been reading most but not commenting.   I hope to catch up soon.  I'm behind on my weight loss goal... I've gone up a few pounds. 

There are other things that I need to do, that I just haven't.  Such a big part of me is lacking in motivation.  I really don't want to do anything. 

Having FIL and BIL here while B is on a business trip is really no fun.  FIL is SO needy, I'm having a hard time.  I decided to go out with a friend tomorrow night rather than be here and deal with them.  It sucks, but my friend is single, lives by herself, and is almost always looking to do things with someone. 

I need a few days off to catch up with my life! 


  1. I'm sorry that you're feeling this way but it made me feel a little better to know I wasn't the only one. I lack motivation in just about everything.

    I'm sorry that things are rough with FIL but it sounds like going out with your friend will be great. I hope you have a good time. You deserve it!

  2. I am behind on everything too, so we are the same basket!!! {{HUGS}} to you girlfriend! Hope you and your friend have a good time.

  3. I think it is normal to feel behind sometimes. The fact that you have guests just compounds it. I despise annoying houseguests!

    I hope that you are feeling a little better now. I am thinking about you.

    Don't worry about the couple of pounds. That is normal with weight loss.

  4. Stop by my blog when you can. I gave you an award. :)


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