
My computer seems to have died.  I am on my old laptop that doesn't function very well.  It took a few hours to get a browser that would work, and now it won't let me log in to many sites (facebook, work email, google reader. etc.).  I have a friend who will hopefully be able to fix it tomorrow.  I was hoping to catch up on blogs today.  I hope to get this sorted out soon, so I can return to the world of the internet! 

I have been lucky in the time I've been blogging to not receive d-bag comments.... until now.  I would be offended, if the commenter wasn't clearly ignorant and in need of a vocabulary lesson.  Also, she doesn't have a place for me to respond to her, which shows that she is chicken as well as a bitch.  Brown Eyes left me this gem on my last post. 

"Wow no wonder you're almost always getting're an emotional mess. I wouldn't want you teaching my kids either."

Now, my dear, ignorant, brown-eyed fool, there is a difference from being fired and laid off.  A lay-off is when companies are forced to let people go due to economic or other circumstances.  In the case of education where I live, my district is laying off 10-15% (the most recent hires, going back 7 years) of the teachers because they need to cut 5 million from their budget for the 10-11 school year because the STATE cut their funding by that much.  To be fired, the district would have to not want me to be there, which is quite far from the case.  If you'd read any of my posts about my job, you would see that.  Furthermore, when I am in front of those kids, my personal life and worries get pushed to the back.  At work, no one would even guess that there is anything wrong.  Parents request for their children to be placed in my class and these same parents have offered to give the school money to pay my salary, because they want me to stay, however it doesn't work like that in the public sector.  Your kids would be lucky to have a teacher like me.  I do more for my students than most teachers do, because I care.  Oh, and why don't you leave a post on your blog so people can respond to the trash you leave on their sites. 


  1. I'm sorry for your negative comment. I just saw her comment on Noelle's blog.
    It's pretty obvious shes fertile and has too much time on her hands. Why would you go around just posting negative comments and not have a blog?

  2. I haven't even read the rest of your post but I am stopping now to write this...I cannot stand Brown Eyes. She has left me offensive comments that I have not posted until today. I am sick of it. I want to block her but I cannot figure out how. Okay, now I am going back to read the rest of your post.

    She is heartless and she is only causing pain.

  3. I just read the rest of your post and I am awestruck by the stupidity of her words. She clearly has no knowledge of how lay-offs work in the teaching profession. I don't know why she spend her time tormenting people in this community.

  4. Obviously this brown eyes person needs to get a life! Some people are just bitter and want to hurt others don't let her bother you.

  5. Inexplicable! I'm sorry you've had to experience such idiocy.

  6. WTF is wrong with some people? Just going around leaving negative comments?? What a meany.

  7. Idiot. She is just showing her ignorance in the way the world works. She states she is a SAHM- she needs to get educated about the how companies are run and how layoff work. She needs to learn about the economy. Brown Eyes needs to step out from behind her anonymous shield of a blank blog and let people speak back to her. She is quite the coward.

    I wonder if she is just the type of person that likes to spread hate and discontent around like wildfire. She might not even be what she says she is- who knows. She might be a middle aged man that just wants to cause pain. We don't know b/c IT hides.

    Ignore IT. IT is inconsequential.

    Brown Eyes- if you read this comment: Step out and tell us mroe about yourself. Introduce yourself. Blog. Make yourself known. Do more than spread hate. Prove me wrong. If you can't do that-move on.

  8. Wow, Brown Eyes is just a little Pollyanna. Obviously she has no idea what she's talking about. Hopefully she'll crawl back under her bridge.

    I'm sending you good thoughts while you deal with everything.

  9. I feel bad for Brown Eyes children who are going to be taught to be just as ignorant and hateful as Brown Eyes. :(

  10. Wow, that's just ridiculous. And, how obnoxious that she seems to make a sport of this! Blech.

  11. Wow, that is horrible. Sorry you had to read that. That is not just insensitive but spiteful. And of course not true!

  12. More power to you Emmy. I feel sorry for Brown Eyes that she has been hurt so much that she feels like she needs to go around hurting others. Hopefully she will get the help she needs to not be a bitch.


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