
I hate making decisions.  Well, I guess that is not entirely true.  When I feel strongly, I have no problem making decisions.  When I don't have a strong opinion or am unsure, I have a really hard time.  I have a lot of things coming up that I need to decide. 

RE gave me the choice of having a Sonohysterogram or a Hysterosalpingogram to check my uterus and/or tubes. At first, I was thinking I'd go shg, because it doesn't involve radiation and it just seems better to put a saline solution in than dye, but the hsg will give us more information and include my tubes. If I'm going to do one of these, I'd rather be sure my tubes are clear in case we ever get to dIUI.  I don't know.  Any thoughts?

My other big decision has to do with work.  I am 95% certain that I will be laid off again this year.  I am really thinking of giving up teaching all together to move to something different.  Unfortunately, this is such a crappy time to be out of a job, because there just isn't much.  I LOVE teaching 90% of the time.  The kids make my day, most of the time!  I'm in my 6th year in the district, facing my 4th pink slip since I started.  I can't take the emotional toll.  It doesn't help that the 1 year anniversary of my brother's death is coming up in a month.  I just can't stop crying.  


  1. I would go with the HSG. It would answer more questions and so is worth the extra burden.

    I don't have good advice on what to do about your job. If we were in normal times, I would say make the jump. But given that there is high unemployment in general, I would be hesitant. Can't you plan for both options now? Look for a job outside education and if you find one, great! But also find out how you can improve your chances to get hired back if you are pink slipped. One thing about teaching is that there is almost always a need for new teachers. So you can leave teaching now and if you decide later you want to go back to the classroom.

  2. I am so sorry you are going through emotional turmoil right now. I can't imagine how hard it must be to face the anniversary of your brother's death. I am sorry that you have to.

    I would go with the procedure that gives you the most information. You want to make sure you know as much as you can before you start IVF. Also, don't worry about the radiation. I have chronic kidney stones, and have gotten at least 2 CAT scans per year for the last 15 years. That is A LOT but my urologists have said that it takes a lot of radiation to cause harm.

    I hear you on the teaching thing. I am 100% sure that I will be pink-slipped, and I am 75% sure that I will not be invited back. It is my 3rd year in the district, but they fired everyone in the years after me, so I am at the bottom of the list. I agree...the emotional toll is through the roof. It was a horrible time from March until July last year for me. We were planning on walking away from our home and I was trying to find another job. Around March 15th I will get pink-slipped again. It is horrendous. I have often thought about leaving the profession as well. I wish that I had gone into something else because I don't love it as I should. Can you wait one more year to find another job so that you aren't looking in this horrible market? If you are asked back you may want to hold tight to that job. However, only you know if it is time to say goodbye to teaching. I know that my time will come someday even if I don't lose my job in June. If your heart can't take another year, then go for it. I would if we didn't need the money so badly.

    I hope that you are able to feel better sometime soon about making these decisions. I hate making decisions too.

  3. Hi there,

    I would go with the HSG. I think it's worth it. Does your insurance cover it?

    I also understand the teaching thing. I teach in a private school, and there's always the worry that teachers will be let go because of lower enrollment b/s of the economic situation. Last year at our school they let three teachers go, out of 45. I'm wondering and waiting to see what happens this spring.

    I hope the best for you with your job, career choices, and whatever you decide to do this summer. :)


    P.S. I'm here from LFCA.

  4. I agree with the other girls, HSG. If you have to have an invasive procedure, might as well do the one that will give you the most information.

    I'm sorry your feeling so bad right now. It sucks that you would have to give up something that means so much and makes you feel good. Is there another district you can get into?

    Thanks for comment on my blog.
    I'm super excited about the socks and so glad your my buddy!! I'll let you know when I get them.

  5. I would do the HSG just in case there is a problem- it would save a lot of trouble (and dinero!) in the long run, I think.

    I can't believe there are so many TEACHERS getting laid off these days!!! The school districts should be begging and screaming for more. Stupid government, they always cut the most funding from education :(

  6. I agree with going with the HSG...more information is good in this situation.

    As for teaching, I am so sorry about the choice you have to make. Have you thought about teaching in a private school? Usually, there is more stability in the private sector. I worked at a private school for many years and it was really wonderful.

    I am so sorry about the anniversary of the death of your brother. I hope you find some peace and comfort.

  7. Got the socks! I love them! You are too sweet. Thanks so much. Will be putting my SITM post up by Monday am.

  8. Wow no wonder you're almost always getting're an emotional mess. I wouldn't want you teaching my kids either.


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