no definite answer

We still don't have a definite answer from BIL, but he's most likely in. He started a new job and will have health insurance again next week. I asked him to get his first set of infectious disease testing from his new gp (to help save some money), when he gets one. He said sure, and asked if we wanted his drug screen from the new job. He also seemed glad that he would only have to come in to my Dr.'s office 2 times. He will be spending a lot more time with us, as he now works in the city I do, which is over an hour from where he lives and 20 minutes from us. I don't think he would be this in if he was leaning towards no. He is the person who will do anything for another person.

I kinda wonder if he thinks he already said yes.  Did I miss it? 


  1. Since he is openly talking about what he would need to do and offered to give you the screening from his new job.....I would think it's pretty much a yes! Maybe that's his way of saying yes?...

  2. I feel like he's said yes without saying it.... but I'm hoping he comes out and says YES already!!! Hang in there, things sound like they're moving in the right direction!

  3. I agree... it feels like he said 'yes' without actually saying it...? So, yay!? Sounds hopeful! Glad he's going to be spending more time with you guys, too, maybe that will make things easier for everyone. Can't wait 'til June!!!

  4. I'm sorry you didn't get a definite
    Yes, however, I think it's close!
    Going for the testing etc. is a good thing.
    Can you ask him, after the blood work, if he's ready to move forward?

  5. Good news! Sounds like he's saying yes without actually saying it (sounds like a guy). Just keep at it and you'll probably have confirmation soon. I'm excited for you!

  6. I would say that it is a "yes." Maybe if it makes you feel better you can just come out and ask him?

    I really do think it is a yes.I agree with the other commenters. He is a guy, and sometimes they are not clear.

    His willingness to do the testing is extremely positive.

  7. It seems like a yes if he is offering you results of his tests.

  8. Oh, that's stressful when they don't give you a definite answer! I think he was saying yes too, he wouldn't have been so open about things if he wasn't. Can't wait to hear more!


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