poetry fun

I've never been an 'English' person.  Math has always been my strength.  But, when it comes to poetry, I LOVE limericks.  So, when I saw this at Weebles Wobblog, I just had to participate.

I wanted to include all of you in my limericks, but that just isn't possible with the rhyme and syllabic scheme, so I wrote about 10 and picked the two I liked best.  Enjoy..and don't be offended if you weren't picked-- nothing personal, rhyme took most precedent!

Missy’s a kindhearted infertile
Conceiving is moving like a turtle
Just relax someone said
And hop into bed
To them she just wanted to hurtle


You could have knocked me down with a feather
But the Stirrup Queen brought us together
With lots of support
From a great cohort
Through tough times I better could weather

Create your own, check out the rest, or just vote for me!  Either way, thanks for reading!


  1. Awesome job! See? You are good at english!!

  2. Aww, thanks! I totally missed this and now am just reading all these cool limericks that everyone is posting. These were great!

  3. So glad you're in! Both are terrific.

  4. i like your limericks. there is some stiff competition out there

  5. The final round of voting has begun!

    If you give me your email address, I'll give you the code for your Finalist badge.

    bestlightlori at the gmail place.



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