Well, HSG done and all clear. It REALLY hurt me when they put the catheter through my cervix. My eyes watered and I almost cried- I think mostly because I was surprised by the intense pain. That only lasted about a minute, and the rest wasn't too bad. It was interesting to see the dye fill my ute, go through the tubes, and start floating around my abdomen. Everything felt better once they took all of that crap out of me. It's only been about 75 minutes, but I haven't felt much since. Glad to have that done with. Now, I just need to call the discount med place to see if we qualify, and let my Dr. know. Then, I'll have to learn how to do the injections, set the schedule, and I am good to go. I plan to start stims June 14th, which is what the ticker is set for. The BCP will make AF come June 12, egg retrieval June 23/24, and embryo transfer June 29/30. It still seems so far away to me-- but just 50 days of school till I start shooting myself up with drugs! Hopefull...