
Showing posts from March, 2010


Well, HSG done and all clear. It REALLY hurt me when they put the catheter through my cervix. My eyes watered and I almost cried- I think mostly because I was surprised by the intense pain. That only lasted about a minute, and the rest wasn't too bad. It was interesting to see the dye fill my ute, go through the tubes, and start floating around my abdomen. Everything felt better once they took all of that crap out of me. It's only been about 75 minutes, but I haven't felt much since. Glad to have that done with. Now, I just need to call the discount med place to see if we qualify, and let my Dr. know. Then, I'll have to learn how to do the injections, set the schedule, and I am good to go. I plan to start stims June 14th, which is what the ticker is set for. The BCP will make AF come June 12, egg retrieval June 23/24, and embryo transfer June 29/30. It still seems so far away to me-- but just 50 days of school till I start shooting myself up with drugs! Hopefull...


March is not a kind month to me.  Last March, it started with my job , which happened again on almost the same day this year, continued with my brother , and today marks 14 years without my dad .  I've also lost two of my grandparents in Marches past.  As a good friend recently said to me, the planets are a-holes to me when it comes to March. Am I naive in thinking that next March might be kind and bring me a baby?  I feel so stupidly hopeful that something good might actually come.  I'm feeling the familiar, "if you don't try, you can't fail" sentiments again. I have my hsg tomorrow, everything is going forward with known donor- we now own two vials of his 'goods' on ice.  I still need to call the special pharmacy to see if I qualify for free/discounted meds so I can let my Dr. know if not, so he can stockpile for me.  I should be feeling hopeful, but a big part of me just can't.  Things don't work out the way I want them to, why would it star...


First, I'm a Limerick Chick Finalist at Thanks for voting for me! I'm sure I won't win, but I had lots of fun with it.  Go back and vote! Also, apparently, my last shameless plea for votes was my 200th post!  So, this makes 201. I spent over an hour at the RE's office this week.  I really do like the office I've chosen.  I have my prescription for BCPs and a start date for injects.  This office is also the 2nd leading office in the country for helping people get free or discounted IVF meds.  In light of my layoff, and that the Dr.'s kids go to school in my district, they are going to try to help me too.  They think that worst case scenario is that my med bill will be cut in half.  Such a relief to have some of the finances cut. I really hope that all of this goes as I hope it will from here on out, but I know that might not be the case.  I really feel more hopeful that this is actually going to happen than I've ever felt b...

limerick vote!

Here's a shameless plug to go vote for my limerick .  The voting ends today, so I am a little late on the plug, but I've been busy!  Is it wrong that it bothers me that an entry that isn't a complete limerick is beating mine??  If you have the time, please vote!  (you don't even have to vote for me, just vote!)

check, and check

I'm still not caught up on what I needed to do, and will be spending the whole day working today, but that is okay.  It's my own fault.  Despite the layoff, this has been a pretty good week.   I spend some quality time with KD on Friday, and he is in!!  He thought he had told us already.  The only thing he is struggling with right now is if he wants to know the outcome.  Also, I got a call from MIL on the day I got my notice, saying that she knows that I am independent and want to do this on our own, but she wants to help us financially with the IVF.  I'm assuming that we would be paying  them back, but she didn't go into the specifics.  She just said that she wanted to make our dreams come true, and didn't want my layoff to stop that.   I have an orientation scheduled for next week in the office, and will call on CD1 to get the hsg scheduled.  It amazes me how much is coming together for this.   I had a dream last night that I...


off. It's official.  I got my pink slip today.  I teach out the end of the year, and have no job for the next school year.  My particular school laid off 25% of their teachers-- the district about 10%.  It is really stinky. If you live in CA, you can help by telling your state assembly representatives to fund education.  How to they expect us to educate people to be competitive in a global economic market if they are forcing districts to increase class sizes, and making our state and public universities financially inaccessible.   Call 1-888-268-4334, enter your zip code (in ca) and you will be connected to your local people.  I imagine that most of your children ( when you have them) will go to public school, so this isn't just for me! Facts: More than $17 bil. has been cut from CA public schools and colleges in the last two years, and the budget calls for another $2.5 bil. for this coming school year. K-12 schools have suffered 60% of the state budg...