check, and check

I'm still not caught up on what I needed to do, and will be spending the whole day working today, but that is okay.  It's my own fault.  Despite the layoff, this has been a pretty good week.  

I spend some quality time with KD on Friday, and he is in!!  He thought he had told us already.  The only thing he is struggling with right now is if he wants to know the outcome.  Also, I got a call from MIL on the day I got my notice, saying that she knows that I am independent and want to do this on our own, but she wants to help us financially with the IVF.  I'm assuming that we would be paying  them back, but she didn't go into the specifics.  She just said that she wanted to make our dreams come true, and didn't want my layoff to stop that.  

I have an orientation scheduled for next week in the office, and will call on CD1 to get the hsg scheduled.  It amazes me how much is coming together for this.  

I had a dream last night that I had an IUI and got pg.  It was SO real.  I knew it wasn't real when I woke up, but I still wanted to be.  Hopefully in three and a half months or so I'll be peeing on a stick for real.  


  1. That is so sweet of your MIL to offer to help with the costs. It sounds like she wants you to be happy really badly.

  2. So much has started to come together for you! I'm so glad!

    Keep us posted, please. This is just the beginning of great things for you!

  3. I'm so sorry you are laid off again. But how nice of your MIL to offer to help you guys financially. I know it can tricky to take money from parents, but that is a very nice offer.

  4. How wonderful for her to offer to help. This is all so exciting and it is so close!


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