

Thanks for voting for me! I'm sure I won't win, but I had lots of fun with it.  Go back and vote!

Also, apparently, my last shameless plea for votes was my 200th post!  So, this makes 201.

I spent over an hour at the RE's office this week.  I really do like the office I've chosen.  I have my prescription for BCPs and a start date for injects.  This office is also the 2nd leading office in the country for helping people get free or discounted IVF meds.  In light of my layoff, and that the Dr.'s kids go to school in my district, they are going to try to help me too.  They think that worst case scenario is that my med bill will be cut in half.  Such a relief to have some of the finances cut.

I really hope that all of this goes as I hope it will from here on out, but I know that might not be the case.  I really feel more hopeful that this is actually going to happen than I've ever felt before.   I'm thinking about getting a countdown ticker- that's how real it feels.  If all goes well, I could be getting ready to give birth at this time next year.

I feel like there was more I had to say, but it is escaping me now!


  1. Glad I found your blog. No sperm here either! Hoping to go through IVF as well.



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