

It's official.  I got my pink slip today.  I teach out the end of the year, and have no job for the next school year.  My particular school laid off 25% of their teachers-- the district about 10%.  It is really stinky.

If you live in CA, you can help by telling your state assembly representatives to fund education.  How to they expect us to educate people to be competitive in a global economic market if they are forcing districts to increase class sizes, and making our state and public universities financially inaccessible.   Call 1-888-268-4334, enter your zip code (in ca) and you will be connected to your local people.  I imagine that most of your children (when you have them) will go to public school, so this isn't just for me!


  • More than $17 bil. has been cut from CA public schools and colleges in the last two years, and the budget calls for another $2.5 bil. for this coming school year.
  • K-12 schools have suffered 60% of the state budget cuts,
  • CA ranks 46th nationally in per-pupil funding
  • More than 16,000 teachers lost their jobs last year in CA, and that number will grow soon
  • Remedial summer school cancelled across the state
  • Art, music, vocational education, and PE cutback
  • Community college funding cut by the equivalent of admission fees for 250,000 students and fees raised by 30%
  • Cal State University tuition raised $32 percent
  • University of California tuition raised 10%
Ok, end of my rant.  I know that the economy sucks, and that CA has been greatly affected.  But, I think that there are many other places for funding to be cut than education, as well as other places to raise revenue without raising existing taxes.  

I really try to not get political here, but for this, I just can't help it.  


  1. Emmy - I don't think it's political, but it is a fact in education everywhere. The school district I work in has seen significant cuts the last two years, and is looking at cuts as large or larger for the next two. ((HUGS)) hopefully they'll be able to bring you back, or will be able to figure out how to hire all of the staff that they need in order to actually teach students.

  2. Did they offer you any hope? Was it just a formality do you think?

    I am sorry that you got that damn slip today. I hate that. I hate that feeling. I was just wondering when I will get mine.

    I hope that they are able to give you your job back quickly and you are not stuck in limbo for long.

  3. It is beyond me how districts think that eliminating teachers is an easy fix. Seriously, which kid will perform better: the one in a class of 40 or the one in a class of 20? Not too tough to figure out.

    I'm sorry that you got laid off. How's the job market in your certification area elsewhere?

  4. Ugh, that totally sucks! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hate how low on the totem pole education seems to be, funding-wise. It just doesn't make any sense to me - education should be one of the MOST IMPORTANT things we fund!!

  5. That is terrible! I am so sorry!

  6. I am so sorry you got laid off! That sucks. I hope you are able to find something else soon.

  7. AGAIN??? I just do *not* understand this lay-off craziness. I am so sorry, Emmy, what a roller-coaster for you. I really hope they bring you back.

    (oh, and I've been out of town for a few days and didn't see your post about B being okay with going the donor route. YAY! So so so glad to hear it).

  8. I'm so sorry Emmy, that really sucks that they are laying so many TEACHERS off. And then they wonder why so many schools are "at risk" I hope they can somehow hire you back or you can find another job quickly.
    (Those figures are scaring me. I really hope I've have some job security in special ed over there. Really, NO teacher should have to worry about getting laid off)


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