
I'm back from the egg retrieval and doing well.  I have some cramps, but nothing worse than a bad period.

They got 20 eggs!  I know they won't all be mature and that all of the mature won't all fertilize, but that is more eggs than they thought.  I hope that this good news is just the beginning of good news to come.


  1. You deserve some good news and 20 eggs is great news! I'm hoping you get lots of healthy embies growing soon!

  2. Thats an awesome number! Hope you get a great report tomorrow. Let the good news keep on coming!

  3. I am so excited for you. and so glad to hear that you are feeling good.

  4. Wow girl, 20 is IMPRESSIVE =) I'm sending lots of good fert vibes, KUP!

  5. Yes that is the start of the good news to come! Will they call you later today or tomorrow with the fertilized number?

  6. WOW! 20 eggs IS good news! Hopefully the good news will continue to pour in for you!! Happy ICLW!

  7. Wow! that's awesome. It was time for you to get some good news. Here's to a fertilized number that's just as amazing!

  8. Awesome! And yay for some good news!!!! I hope it continues!! Your package is in the mail, btw!

  9. Nice! 20 eggs is an awesome number!

  10. Oh Emmy, hooray! That is good news! Keeping my fingers crossed fro the next part of the journey!

  11. Keep the good news coming!!! Crossing my fingers you have a great fertility rate and there are so many good embryos you have to pick only the cream of the crop!

  12. WOW! Great numbers! I hope this is just the first of many pieces of good news!


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