
I'm looking for some good, fun, not stressful books to read.  I'd love some enjoyable, not depressing books.  Do you have any suggestions?  I'm hoping to hit the library next Monday or Tuesday.

I'm still plugging along with the stims.  Today is day 5.  I go back for a scan and blood work tomorrow.   I certainly feel bloated and full in my abdomen.  Hopefully I'll know the retrieval date tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.

I've found that the Menopur stings less if I am leaning back and relaxing.  Also, it isn't as bad when it is cold- at least for me.

I was productive today!  I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical, cleaned up a pile of clothes I've been neglecting, and cleaned out all of my drawers.  My give away/donate pile has more than doubled!  Now I kinda want to take a nap, but I am meeting a friend for a walk in 2 hours.  Hmm....


  1. Are you interested at all in the Sookie books from Charlaine Harris? These are the books True Blood is based on. They are fun, fantasy books and a nice escape from the real world.

  2. I like the Emily Giffin books. They are easy reads and pretty girly.

    Good luck tomorrow!

  3. I've loved the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. There are something like 16 books in the series and the main character is a kick butt girl who is a bounty hunter that gets herself in all kinds of drama. Love the entertainment value of the books, I've read 10 and they are page turners but take no hard thinking =)

  4. Wow, that is productive! I am so lazy when it's summertime.

    Oh, and I second the Emily Giffin books - easy, page-turning chicklets!

  5. A.J. Jacobs: "The Know-it-all" is funny and easy to pick up and put down as you need.

    BTW, it sounds like we are on a similar schedule. I'm likely to have ER mid-late next week very first! Good luck with yours and hope everything goes smoothly for you :)

  6. I just started reading The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series as a way to relax. They're a light read (although there is a little bit of a story line about loss, but it's very respectful). I'd recommend them!


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