dreams and meds

I have been having lots of dreams recently.  I've also been sick and anxious, which has not lead to good sleep.  I wake up in coughing fits in the middle of the night and start thinking about starting stims in less than two weeks, my BIL's situation, wondering whose sperm will fertilize my eggs, finishing the school year, and all sorts of things.  Not so much fun.

I did have a dream that I got a BFP that was confirmed by my RE.  It was so real, that I started worrying that I drank at a wine dinner the day before getting the BFP.  Crazy.

In terms of the upcoming cycle, the lawyer stuff is almost done.  BIL has his conference call with his lawyer on Tuesday to go over our contract, and if all is fine, we'll all sign and be done.  My meds are ordered and will be shipped to me next week.  I'm not liking being on BCPs again.  I'm breaking out and have had a constant headache.  It really makes me worry about how my body will react to the drugs to come.  I guess the headache could just be from my cold/cough.

I go for my suppression appointment next week, and if all looks well, I'll stop the bcp, and start stims on 6/14.  Hopeful retrieval is 6/24 and transfer 6/29.  I can't believe it's June.


  1. Dreams are so crazy. I had one last night that came back to me as I read you post. so Bizarre.

    I am so excited that you get to be moving forward with your cycle!

  2. I hate those dreams...you wake up and feel so so happy for a slip second and then it all comes crashing back down again. *hugs* I'm excited to follow you on your *hopefully soon to be over* journey! Good luck in your upcoming IVF

  3. Oh Emmy I am so excited for you! I hope your dream comes true. :-)


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