Father's Day

Father's Day has been a hard day for me for the past 15 years- since my dad died.  Last year, Father's Day was a disaster.  In looking back at that post and the following, I realized that I never talked about what a disaster that BBQ ended up being.

I couldn't put on the fake happy face last year.  Well, I did okay for the first 30 minutes, until my SIL started whining about how hard her life is, and how awful it is to be across the country from her family.  She wanted to be with her dad, but had to settle for an hour long phone call.  I'd have to kill myself to be with my family, and she just has to get on a plane, but everything for her is the worst thing anyone could ever experience.  Her son broke both of his arms at the end of March, and had to have one rebroken and reset a few weeks ago, and she has the nerve to post on Facebook that that is the worst thing that could ever happen to a child.  No joke.  I just wanted to smack her for that.  She is a drama queen who only knows how to socialize with people by talking about how bad her life is or by talking trash about someone.  (The story of why they moved to CA to be close to us from MA where her family lives is a whole post on it's own.  She's really a gem!)

I spent all of Father's day last year inside crying, while everyone else was outside enjoying the day.  Well, here we are, a year later.  We're still not parents.  We're headed to another BBQ with B's family today.  This time at his parents' house.  This time, I'm on day 7 of stims and at a more emotional base level.  (I'm sure my E2 is over 900 by now- the EWCM I have is ridiculous!)  I'm going to have to take my evening shots with me, which will be an extra lot of fun.  What a great day I have ahead of me!

I really really hope that next year at this time B is a father.  I don't think I will be able to go to father's day activities otherwise.  I need something to celebrate.


  1. Ugh! I hope you managed to have n ok day. So sorry this is such a rough day {{{{HUGS}}}}

  2. Wow she sounds like a real gem. I hope your day was ok. Hoping that this cycle works for you and next year you have your little one with you.


  3. I'm sorry. I hope things have gotten better today.


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