Well, I'm officially PUPO!  They transferred one blast and one morula.  I'm a bit worried that only one made it to blast stage today.  They are going to continue to culture the others and freeze any that get to blast in the next two days.  

Okay little ones, time to grab hold of my nice, thick lining and snuggle in for the long haul,  I've got a movie in, a book to read, a cooler by my bed with some liquids and grapes.  I don't go in for a beta until the 12th!  That is so long!  13 days!  There is no way I'll wait that long to find out.  Pure torture!


  1. Thank God mine was only 8. No way I could take this for another 5 days!!

    Have fun resting. Good luck!

  2. YAY!!!!!! Congrats to you both! PUPO until proven pregnant! Isn't it great to know that they're in there?!?!?

  3. Oh Emmy, this is wonderful! I will be thinking about you. Big hugs to you and your little ones in there!

  4. Oh Emmy that's just awesome!! Snuggle in babes!!

  5. Yay!!! Rest up, you did GREAT! I'll be hanging out with you during the 2ww, I'm 4dp3dt. :)

  6. YAY! Congrats! Hang on babies!!!

  7. congratulations! when we did ours earlier in the month, we had another mature to the blast stage the day after we did the transfer back, so fingers crossed for a future supply.

    we just got positive test results yesterday!

  8. Yay! I've got my fingers crossed, and IO hope you get a couple of good ones to freeze too!

  9. WOOHOOO!! PUPO!! Snuggle in for a loooong time, babies!

  10. Hooray! Stick, babies, stick!

  11. Woo-hoo for being PUPO! I can't believe you have to wait 13 days for your beta. If I were you I'd invest in some pee sticks and start in 5 or 6 days...but that's just my type A behavior =)

  12. Yippee!

    Rest up and take really good care of yourself, eat healthy food for those babies!

  13. How exciting!!!! Now stick babies stick!!!!!


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