
It's so surreal to think that my babies are growing somewhere down the road from here.  I can't even believe that we are here and transferring tomorrow.  It really feels like it's taken forever and got here so quickly simultaneously.  18 months from azoospermia news to start trying to get pregnant.  It's been a rough road with lots of ups and downs.  It's taken forever and flashed by.

I got a mani/pedi today!  I had a gift certificate so I didn't feel bad spending the money.  I didn't make it to the library today because a plumber was supposed to arrive between 2-4.  He got here while I was typing that sentence!  I do have three books to read, but I was saving them for tomorrow and on.  When I get into a book, I tend to want to finish it!  Hopefully some of my friends will be around to entertain me!

Transfer tomorrow.  I can't wait to get my babies in me!


  1. Much much luck tomorrow! Hopefully after your transfer you can relax and read some of those books.

  2. Good luck tomorrow Emmy! Books are a GREAT way to stay occupied. Tell us what you are reading!

  3. Ahhh! I can't believe it's finally here! I am so excited for you, Emmy. Good luck and I hope everything goes PERFECTLY tomorrow. This will be the longest 2WW EVER!

  4. Good luck tomorrow! It wasn't too bad, kind of like an annual OB appointment.

  5. Good luck tomorrow! Enjoy being PUPO and let your DH pamper you =)

  6. The very best of luck for transfer tomorrow. Sounds to me like you have a plan to keep yourself distracted - hope it works and the 2ww is a dream with the perfect dreamy ending.

  7. How exciting! Good luck for tomorrow - can't wait to hear how your babies are doing!

  8. I will be thinking about you all day today, Emmy! I hope everything goes wonderfully.

  9. Good luck today! Can't wait for an update!


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