We're back from the mTESE.  B is doing well so far, but I think he is still numb.  He's upstairs resting with ice on the area.  The surgeon did not see any sperm, but didn't look through all of it.  We brought the specimen to my doctor's office for the embryologist to look through.

I'm not feeling confident that they're going to find anything.  The reality hasn't hit yet, but I'm sure it will later when the RE calls.  Glad we have the donor backup.

Trigger wasn't too bad last night.  24 hours till part two.


  1. I'm so sorry. I'm glad that you have the donor backup, but I'm still sad for you both. {{HUGS}}

  2. Sorry the initial results were not what you wanted. Hopefully the embryologist will have more time to look through the sample and will find a some.

    My husband said he felt like he was kicked in the balls for a day. Second day he just used his pain killers and ice pack. After that he's been doing pretty good has resumed normal activity. Hope your husband recovers well.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear your TESE might not have been successful, I have been thinking about you all week! I'm glad you have the backup donor though, and hope that is successful for you.

    I was just wondering, and you don't have to answer this if you don't want to. But when they did your husband's SA, did they find any sperm at all? Even a couple? Or was it total zero? You can email me if you want to, determineddory@gmail.com

  4. I'm hoping that the initial findings were wrong. If not, I'm glad you have a backup!

    Best to you this cycle!

    ICLW #69

  5. I'm sorry that the TESE didn't seem to be successful. I hope that you and B will find peace if they have to use the donor after all. Praying that everything else goes smoothly!

  6. I am so sorry about the initial TESE results. Holding out hope that they are able to find some swimmers.

  7. Ugh, no! I hope the embryologist finds some, Emmy. Hope B feels better soon, too!

  8. I'm sorry. I hope they find something.

  9. I'm sorry! Hopefully the RE calls with a surprise finding...nice to have the backup just in case though. GL tomorrow!!!

  10. I'm sorry the initial results weren't promising, but, like you said, he didn't look through the whole specimen. I'm holding onto hope that the embryologist finds a couple good swimmers in there.

    Good luck tomorrow!


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