we've begun

Well, my first shot is in- 225 iu of gonal-f.  I'll be taking that in the morning, and 2 vials of menopur in the evening.  I don't know, but that seems like a lot of stims!  Now that I have the gonal-f done, and it wasn't that bad at all, I'm afraid of the menopur.  I hear that it burns.  Any tricks or tips from those who've BDTD?  Fast, slow, ice, heat, etc?

First follie check is on Wednesday.


  1. I didn't take meopur but I had great luck with 300 units of Gonal F each morning. No side effects except the first day I had muscle aches.

    Good luck!!

  2. My hubby gets Menopur three times a week and he says it doesn't sting. Not sure if that's just in comparison to the Ovidrel? We don't do heat or ice, just a jab in the but, nice and slow pushing the meds in. Good luck and let us knwo how it goes.

  3. YAY! I'm so excited for you guys!

    In my experience, it's best to try different combinations out. If I remember correctly, those are both in the stomach, right? I think that I preferred to ice the area before and then apply pressure for a few minutes after the shot. For the most part, those just felt like a little sting at most. Sometimes it would burn a little, but not too badly. The heat was reserved for the PIO shots after transfers because the oil would just sit there and give me problems.

    GOOD LUCK! I'm very excited for you guys!

  4. I didn't have any stinging with the Menopur. Just make sure to let the alcohol on your skin dry all the way before you inject--that's the only time I felt burning with any of my injections.

  5. The Menopur did burn when I took it but it wasn't horrible. I just tried to vary the spots I gave it in...abdominal and thighs. I did ice for 30-45 seconds before I gave it. Apparently you can't ice for too long or the medication has a hard time dispersing. GL!!!

  6. I definitely have to ice for Menopur. I did it without the first two times and the burning was crazy (but my skin is pretty sensitive). Once I started icing, it went a lot better. Good Luck - you'll be fine!

  7. I stumbled upon your blog today. Best of luck with your IVF!

    I just did mine in Febrauary..... I didnt have troubles with the Menopur but did with the progesterone shots after ER. If you do have troubles try ice for a minute or so then do the shot wait a second before pulling the needle out then put a heat pack on the injection site for about 5-10 minutes. Should be good to go then!

  8. My Menopur shots are in the stomach so I ice the area first, then lie on the couch and try not to tense up. Easier said than done if you're like me and don't like needles! It does sting a little but it's bearable. I've found by concentrating on breathing in and out while Hubbs does the shot, it helps me to relax and lessen the sting. After I put Arnica cream on the area (helps with bruising) and then a hot pad. Not sure it does anything but I find the warmth soothing.

    Good luck :)


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