
Hello ICLWers!  Welcome to my roller coaster!

Here's the abridged version of my story.

We started trying in April/May of 08.  Husband, B, was diagnosed with azoospermia (zero sperm count) on New Years Eve 2008.  We started investigating why, and the doctors couldn't find a reason.  In March, 2009 my brother died unexpectedly at 25 years old, which put a big hold on all of our TTC plans.

We decided to take some time to heal emotionally and save up some money for IVF.  Our reproductive urologist gives us a 75-80% chance of finding sperm with a micro TESE, but that will be done the day before my egg retrieval.  We started our IVF cycle last Monday!  Today is day 8 of stims for me, and I am on my way to a check in a few minutes.  We're hoping for a sperm retrieval on Wednesday and an egg retrieval on Thursday.  If they don't find any sperm, we have B's younger brother as a known donor backup.

I'll be back with an appointment update soon!


  1. It's going to be an exciting week! Can't wait to hear how your check went...

  2. What a week! Can't wait to hear the update.

  3. I'm glad to find your blog... I am in EXACTLY the same situation, except we don't have a backup donor. Will definitely be checking back in to your blog to see how your TESE goes, we are SO FREAKING nervous. Wishing you the best of luck!!!

  4. Hoping the check up went brilliantly and everything is exactly on track as you hope. Most importantly of all I am really hoping for you guys that they find great little swimmers and you don't need your backup.

    You are constantly in my thoughts and I neeeeeed to knwo all the details of how this goes.

    Send love and the very best of luck.

  5. Best of luck for your cycle, fingers crossed you only have to do one! I hope you have lots of nice follicles growing, and you also find some great looking sperm.

    Happy ICLW and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  6. Good luck and may the Dr find lots of great little swimmers

  7. I'm holding my breath and waiting for good news from you!

  8. What an exciting week for you, can't wait to check back and see what happens!


    ICLW #180

  9. That's a good idea to use his brother's sperm and awesome that he was willing to do it.

    My fingers are crossed for you!!


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