
Today is 4w2d.  Hardly anything in terms of a pregnancy, but farther than I've ever been before.  There has not been too much in terms of symptoms.  My stomach is a little off every once in a while- usually after I eat or drink something.  I'm not getting very many cramps anymore, though they were short lasting when they came.  The boobs are sore and have grown a little.  I've been pretty tired too.  Last night I slept for more than 9 hours, which is rare for me.  I even had a nap yesterday and 4 hours after waking up this morning, I'm ready for another nap!

B and I are both cautiously happy, but know that we still have a long way to go to bring home a baby/babies.  The next step is beta #2 on Monday, then ultra sound on July 29th or 30th.  We really hope it's twins, but of course we'd just be thrilled by a real live baby.  We're already saying 'they' when referring to what's happening in there.  We haven't really celebrated.  It still doesn't seem real and we both know that a lot can go wrong.

Time seems to be going so slowly.  I think it is especially slow because I don't do much during the day.  Usually summer goes too quickly and work comes back too soon.  Now I just wants those dates to get here so I have a better idea of what is going on inside of me!


  1. Congrats! Great feeling being there for the first time! I will keep you in my thoughts!

  2. Hooray Hooray!! Congrats Emmy!! I was so excited to get back online and come see these posts! :)

    I know those first weeks just drag on and on and you can't wait for that first u/s. Just hang in there :)

    OMG!! I am sending up tons of prayers and crossing all my crossables for you hun!! :D

  3. can't wait for the beta tomorrow! Good Luck!

  4. GL on beta 2 tomorrow! The wait between betas and the first u/s I remember taking a while. Hope your stomach doesn't get any more "off"!

  5. Can't wait for today's beta results. Farther than you've ever been before is really great.


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