
I feel pretty boring these days!  I'm just plugging along, waiting for my ultrasound.  It did get moved to the 29th, when I'll be 7 weeks.  Time feels like it is moving so slowly!!

Yesterday was my last PIO shot!  I am now on endometrin instead.  I am so happy to give my hips a break.  So far, the suppositories are okay.  They feel a little leaky, but it doesn't seem like anything has really come out onto my liner or anything.  

Apparently, that graph that I mentioned in my last post doesn't exist anymore.  Luckily for me, Jenni found one and put my data in.  Thanks, Jenni!!  Here's my graph!


  1. Your betas look great =) Hopefully the 29th is here before you know it. That wait from beta to u/s is a tough one. Nice that you got to give up the PIO!

  2. Congrats on your pregnancy Emmy! I am so thrilled and overjoyed for you!! I did the progesterone shots for 12 weeks and it was so great to give them up and let my backside heal. I do know without those shots I would not have this squriming little bundle of joy that takes up all my time and energy. Congrats again to you and your husband!

  3. Love the graph! The 29th will be here before you know it, but I know how that wait between beta and u/s seems so long :/

    BTW, the title of this post makes me so happy :)

  4. looks awesome! I'm glad that your appointemnt got moved up, and by then you should see a heartbeat! I used to always have to wear pantyliners with the tablets

  5. How exciting! I was 6w3d at my first u/s and we got to hear the heartbeat, so just make sure to ask them to turn on the speakers.

    Yay for no more PIO! Oh, and get used to wearing liners... I've been having to wear them constantly since about 25 weeks (increased hormones = ooooooze!).


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