
It's been a whole week since I've had any confirmation that I am pregnant, and it is going to be another week (from tomorrow) before my ultrasound.  I wanted some confirmation, so I took another home pregnancy test!  It was the cheap internet kind that expires in a couple of months, and it's been almost two weeks since I've taken one!  

Today's was fun, because the pregnant line showed up even before the pee made it to the control.  

I've been hoping for twins, but recently thinking that it's just one.  A week from tomorrow we'll know!  I really need to find things to help make the time go faster!  I've been reading, walking, trying to spend time with friends, and all sorts of things.  The only thing I haven't been doing is housework.  I really need to get to that, but I have no motivation!  

The suppositories are going well.  Really it is only the morning one that tends to leak.  I try to take an afternoon nap with my afternoon one, and I find that helps.  I like my naps!  


  1. I am jealous of your bravery! I have been wanting to take another HPT, but I'm too afraid it'll be blank. Luckily, our first sonogram is tomorrow. That helps.

    Naps are good, aren't they?

  2. Yay! Love it when the control line shows up last. Can't wait for your u/s!!!

  3. Hope the next weeks is quick! Can't wait to see if it's twins!

  4. Don't feel bad, I think I POAS every day until the first u/s =) Happy you're getting your naps in!

  5. Hi, I came across your blog from Kristi's blog at A Great Joy Is Coming.

    I am as far along as you are. I go in for my six week ultrasound next Thursday!

    I pray that we will both have a smooth 9 months ahead of us! Have a great weekend!


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