beta #2

The beta came in at 761, which isn't quite doubling in 48 hours.  It is something like 49.8 hours.  They want me to come back on Wednesday for a 3rd.  I know that this isn't too bad, but it feels bad to me.  I was really hoping to have over shot their expectations.

In other news, a friend asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in March, on the other side of the US.  I told her to let me know more specifically when the wedding would be, when she knows.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. That sounds like it's probably within the margin of error. I don't think the number is as bad as you're feeling about it. Don't worry about it, and see what the number does Wednesday.

  3. Your numbers are still rising and close to doubling. Don't get too down! Good luck on Wednesday!

  4. I agree with previous commenters that your numbers are still rising and that's a great sign! I hope you have big, big numbers come Wednesday!

  5. Emmy, the betas I had with this pregnancy--sometimes the numbers were quadrupling in 48 hours, sometimes just barely doubling. So I think as long as they are close you are still good, and it's definitely possible the next one on Wednesday will be nice and high. I will be hoping with all my might!!

  6. Def wouldnt stress to much over the Beta..Technically it just has to go up by 60 percent...which you are way no worries:)

  7. I think your number still sounds great, it's nearly doubling! I'll be waiting to see what you get on Wednesday- like Adrienne said it's possible you could get a really high number then :)

  8. I think that sound's pretty normal, my doctor only ever wanted 60%. Waiting with you for the 3rd.

  9. Remember that a doubling beta is just a guide and yours are pretty close. I hate to be the one to do the whole 'I have a friend', but I do and her numbers were far from doubling and she is now about 15 weeks pregnant with a healthy boy. I know it's easy for me to say and hard for you to do, but hang in there. Those numbers are going up - that is GOOD news. Big (((hugs)))

  10. They should double in 48-72 hours. So you are fine!!!!! Keep up the hope and I will say a prayer for you. But I know it is hard.

  11. Mine doubled in the 49 hr range too and everything was A-ok =) The range is 48-72 hours so you are on the low end of that, congratulations!

    Looks to me like your friend may have to find another bridesmaid =)

  12. I'm so pleased for you. I've been reading your blog for a while. I'm currently 20 weeks pregnant via IUI. Good luck and am very happy for you.

  13. Emmy I've been thinking about you today and hoping everything looked good with your beta. I'll try to stay tuned--maybe you haven't heard yet since you are on the West Coast. (((HUGS))) I'm thinking of you!!!


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