Beta #3

I know I've complained about the nurse I work with most of the time before.  Since then, she went on vacation and came back and was better the last time I saw her.  Until this afternoon.  I've gotten most of my calls with test results between noon and 3pm.  I decided to call them today at 4:15, when I hadn't heard.  I was getting really anxious that the reason I hadn't heard was because the Dr. wanted to call me personally to give me bad news.  Apparently, they were just behind and the nurse took my call.  

I've come to the conclusion that she just isn't that bright.  One of the pharmacies that I use to get my meds changed to Walgreens specialty pharmacy and she didn't believe me when I told her that.  She insisted that I was wrong, despite the fact that I've spent a pantload of money there and have ordered refills from them.  Then, she went to schedule my ultrasound.  She said it should be 5 weeks after the egg retrieval.  The egg retrieval was June 24th, and the told me that 5 weeks later is July 22nd, which is next Thursday.  I replied that that didn't sound right, because 35 days later shouldn't be a earlier in the next month.  She insisted that she was correct and scheduled it.  I didn't have a calendar with me to verify, so I went along with it.  A few minutes later, I looked at a calendar and saw that the 22nd is 4 weeks after, not 5.  As much as I want an early ultrasound, I'm afraid of going in at exactly 6 weeks and not seeing a heartbeat.  

The office is now being answered by the answering service, so I left a lovely message for her that I was correct about the pharmacy and gave her the fax number that she already has, but refused to believe me.  I also told her that she was wrong about the ultrasound date and we should schedule it for the week later.  Her incompetence really stresses me out.  It always feels like she is rushing me, too, where the other nurses have really taken the time to talk to me and help me as they could.  She is the nurse who works with the donor gamets and she cares about her egg donors, not me.  

Ok, rant over.  Now for the good news!  Today's beta was 1682, which is a doubling time of about 43 hours from when I was in on Monday!  I really want one of those nifty line graphs that show the high/low end of normal and the average hcg lines like I've seen on so many blogs/message boards before, but I can't find them.  Anyone know where I can get that nifty graph?  I've seen the charts that have the ranges and things, but I like the visual of the line going up.  


  1. What a crackpot. Good thing you won't be at your fertility clinic much longer and can choose your ob to take care of your BABY!!!

  2. YAY EMMY! I honestly haven't read your whole post, I just had to skip to the real news at the bottom!! I'm so excited that things look good! I'm going to go read the whole thing now, though. Teehee.

  3. Congrats! I really think youshould just start requesting another nurse. Explain why and they have to obey your request!

  4. Yay! I checked like, six times to see your beta #3 and I'm so glad it doubled!

    If you find one of those line graph things, will you let me know where you found it? I've been looking too, but without luck.


  5. Glad your numbers look so good:) Try to hang in there with the nurse dealing with certain personalities can be very difficult...I used to have a nurse at my old re office that I swear if she called me it was always bad news and she was such a B abt delivering bad news like she enjoyed it or I guess every office has one:)

  6. Yayayayayayayay! :)

    Sorry that nurse is so dumb; sounds like she has no business working in that position. Can you request a different nurse?

    I'm with you about the early us - they often do nothing more than create worry... You're right to want it scheduled for 6 weeks.


  7. Fantastic!! Have you tried I did one, but that was 3 years ago so I don't really remember where I did it at.

    I'm so happy for you and welcome to the world of being a donor mom! Let me know if you have questions along the way.

  8. Whoo Hooo! Thrilled to see a great third beta. Now the wait to the scan.

    Pity about nurse incompetence! Good luck for this wait until you get to see your babies heartbeat!

  9. Yay! I'm so happy for you. I'm sorry about the irritating nurse, I think I'd be frustrated with her as well. As far as the chart thing goes, it looks like they came from, but they're not there any more, So... I stole someone else's, erased their data, and made one for you. You can grab it Here.

  10. Super third beta! I'm so happy for you! dory has it right: you'll be graduating to an OB soon!

  11. Yippy for a great beta #3! Sorry about the lame nurse...they can really put more stress in the process =(

  12. Fantastic beta! Great news, even if you have to put up with a bad nurse. At least the doctor knows what he/she is doing.


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