
I finally had my ultrasound!  We saw one beating heart.  They didn't measure or tell us the heart rate, but we saw it flashing away.  It looked like, according to the doctor, that both had implanted but one baby stopped developing about 2 weeks ago.

The doctor has my due date as 3-16-11, which is one day earlier than I had it (making me 7w1d today) and the CRL measured 7w2d!  Here is a picture of my little blob.

I go back on August 9th for another scan, then once more after that.  If all looks good at that point, I'll be released to an OB.  I am a bit disappointed that it isn't twins, but thrilled to have one healthy (so far) baby!


  1. Isn't that such an awesome a sureal experience? I mean as an infertile you wait and wait for that moment! Congratulations on a March baby.

  2. What a great feeling! Congrats.

  3. Congrats! I'm sorry about the twin but glad to hear about this healthy baby!

  4. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you. Isn't seeing the heartbeat amazing?

  5. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you, and glad that the scan showed a healthy baby for you both. It's just so exciting.

  6. Congratulations on your healthy little bean! Isn't that flicker the most amazing thing ever =) Sorry you had a second that didn't thrive {{{HUGS}}}

  7. YAY! What a beautiful little baby, Emmy! And measuring slightly ahead, too - even better! Here's to many more beautiful u/s photos on this blog :)

  8. Congratulations!! Thats awesome news :)

  9. Congrats!!!!! You can breathe a little easier now:)

  10. Sorry about losing one, but I am so happy for you to have one healthy-looking baby bean in there!!!! I've been thinking about you and couldn't wait to hear about your u/s!!!

  11. Congrats Emmy!!! Your ultrasound reminds me of our 7-week ultrasound. The littel flicker of the heartbeat is the best sight in the whole world and completely changed our world when we saw it. Everything is going to be so wonderful for you. Your little one looks perfect! March is an awesome month(my cousin is also due with her first baby on that month). I am so excited for you!

  12. Congrats Emmy! I'm so glad that the scan worked out well and that your baby is good and healthy!

  13. Congratulations Emmy! I am so very happy that you have a healthy little one in there!

  14. That is AWESOME!!! YEAH!!! I am so excited for you guys. Your due date is my brother's birthday!! :)

  15. I had that happen, 2 sacs but only one survived. I now have a great 3 year old. Good luck.


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