
I don't know how I'm supposed to stay positive and have hope after I just found out that none of the other embryos made it to blast or freeze.  What hope do my poor quality barely blast and morula have if nothing else made it.  I know I need to try to relax and hope/let these embryos settle in, but I haven't been able to stop crying since the doctor told me.

My husband was the reason we needed IVF, not me.  We ended up using donor sperm, from someone who has gotten two women pregnant.  How can we only have had one make it to blast, albeit barely and poorly.  I want to be hopeful and positive, but am having a really hard time with that.

My lower back/hips are killing me from the PIO.  There are barely any comfortable positions I can find- sitting or lying down.  I don't know how I'll be able to make it to beta.


  1. oh emmy- I am so sorry!! I am thinking about you. {{HUGGS}} Here to strong little ones!!

  2. Oh I'm so sorry! But you are offering a MUCH more hospitable environment than a little petri dish, so I think your embies have a great chance! I know it's hard to hold on to hope... but I'm definitely going to hold on to it for you today.

    Thinking of you!

  3. I'm so sorry. I was hoping that things would turn out the other way - But as Ella says - You're a whole lot better than a petri dish!


  4. Sorry! I think Ella said it perfectly. Hang in there. Hugs!!

  5. Sending you many hugs today and for the next few weeks! I am hoping for you and there is good reason to hope because they transfer the best quality. So if lower quality embryos didn't make it, that doesn't mean the better ones won't! And Ella is right that you provide a much better environment than a petri dish.

  6. Oh, sister! I'm right there with you. Literally. Ella is right, tho. Our babies are where they are supposed to be - in us!!!

    At this point, it doesn't matter if we have hope or not, what will be, will be. Of course, being positive makes the next 7 days until beta more bearable.

  7. Sorry you didn't have any to freeze. Just remember that the strongest embies are in you =)

  8. I just wanted to let you know that my sister had the SAME thing happen (she had a blast and morula inserted and 5 others being watched) and none of the others made it but the ones implanted made it to be triplets. So keep faith that your body will keep them in. :) praying for you and you babies.

  9. snuggle bunnies snuggle!
    i am hoping with you.

  10. You are not alone!! Don't lose hope!

  11. Emmy I have been thinking and thinking of you since I read this and hoping and hoping and hoping for you.


  12. How are you doing? Thinking about you.

  13. Honey I am so sorry that your other embies didn't make it. While you can't find the hope, the rest of us will hold lots of hope in our hearts for you that the 2 that were transfered settle in nicely and your BFP is at the end of this tortuous 13 day wait.


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