my new best friend

is macaroni and cheese.  It is one of the only things that sounds good to me, and it makes my tummy happy.  I got some last night for dinner, and just finished it off.  I haven't blown chunks yet, but feel like I am closer to that point every afternoon.  

Last night, B and I 'were intimate' for the first time since before our procedures.  It's the longest we'd ever gone.  I was a bit nervous, but it was fine and I haven't had any spotting or anything.  B was so happy!  

B hasn't said much about the pregnancy at all.  I've been a little bit worried that he is freaked out about the donor sperm, or that something else was going on.  Last night, when I got home from working, I noticed that one of the ultrasound photos wasn't where I left it (they printed out two for us).  I asked him if he took it, and he said that he did and that he put it in the office, by where he plays his video games.  That totally melted my heart and brought me to tears.  So cute.  I asked him later how he is feeling about all of this, and he said that it still doesn't seem real to him.  I can understand that, as it really doesn't seem real to me either.  Even with how my tummy feels and how my boobs have grown.  

I wonder when reality will really sink in.  


  1. Awww! *melt* That is so sweet.

    And it probably won't sink in for a while... I don't think it truly sunk in for me until I was in labor - I remember thinking "OMG I'm having a baby!?!?" and being rather shocked. Yeah.

  2. My husband was detached the whole pregnancy and I often write about it in my blog. It didn't become real to him until he saw her being taken out during the c-section and he cried. It was a beautifulmonebt and one I had waited for the entire pregnancy. He'll get there. I think sone men actually have to see the baby to feel attached. My hinny never brought up our pregnancy. So, he'll get there! I think it's adorable that he took the ultrasound picture.

  3. How sweet of your husband. I think they bond with the baby as much as women do, they just dont express it!

    I have a friend who pretty much only ate Kraft Mac & Cheese through her first trimester!

  4. So sweet of your hubby! Reality for us did not sink until after the second trimester and I started to really show and then we knew this was a baby that we were going to be able to keep forever. Mac and Cheese was also my favorite food during my pregnancy.

  5. Mac and Cheese is my best friend too:) My girlfriend made me a big batch of homemade mac and cheese and I feasted on that for like 4 days was the bomb!!!

  6. Awwww he is soo sweet! I can imagine that this all feels surreal for the both of you

  7. Happy you found something that makes your tummy happy =) Your DH is so cute, happy he grabbed the picture!

  8. There are moments that sometimes help make it seem more real. Hearing the heartbeat the first time. Seeing what actually looks like a baby, kicking. Feeling the baby kick. Husband feeling the baby kick. And of course, delivery. And bringing the baby home. and watching them sleep in your arms. and it just goes on :)

    As for the donor part, different people handle it differently, and YMMV. As time goes on, the fact that a donor was involved becomes less significant. Obviously there's the whole medical history that is important, but at the end of the day, what now might be a frequently occurring thought--"but I wish it could have been my genes"...will fade.
    If he's taking sono pictures to keep in his space without prompting, I'd say he's doing fine for a newly pregnant daddy. :)

  9. Donor or no donor, men tend to come to reality about it much later. You'll have moments throughout the pregnancy, but I think once you are home with the baby and all the visitors are gone than the reality of having a baby sinks in. My son is almost 2 1/2 and somedays I look at him and think "OMG, I am somebody's mother!"

  10. I have so many fears about bonding if we end us using ds. Reading your post is so reassuring. BTW you are not boring at all. I love reading about everything you are thinking and feeling - living vicariously thru your experience makes me feel like I will be there someday too.


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