
I'm so hesitant to post this.  I don't want to get my hopes up, just to be crushed.  There is a long way to go, but I may be one step closer.  

This morning, I peed in a cup to dip my sticks.  At first, I only dipped one and I watched and watched. Then I decided to go do something and come back. When I came back, it looked negative. Upon closer scrutiny, it looked like there could be a shadow of a line. Barely there, but a shadow. That's when I decided to whip out another one and an expired one. The expired one showed a little shadow too, although it was the kind that you can actually pee on and don't have to dip so the case makes a little shadow anyway. The other non-expired one showed a slightly darker shadow than the first- I think even DH will be able to see it when he wakes up.

I've been here before.  In Oct. 2008 I had what I (and the message board world) thought was a positive test. I sat on the couch, just as I am right now, getting up occasionally to look at the test and see if the line is still there.  Of course it wasn't positive in '08.  

I'm hesitant to get excited, although I did almost start crying when I saw the darker one (though not dark enough to capture with a camera). If tomorrow or Wednesday brings a darker. more noticible line, I might just be willing to call it a BFP!  If it is, I know that there is a long road ahead, and many many more obstacles to overcome.  Obstacles that are even scarier than the ones I've crossed.  

Can you see it? 


  1. Oh, Emmy, I'm praying this is a real line for you this time!

  2. I totally see it! When you look at it does it have any color to the line or is it gray? If it has any color that's a line baby! If it's gray it could be an evap line but probably not if it shows up in the time limit of the test. I'll reserve my jumping for another day or two but this is sounding good!!!

  3. Oh Emmy, I have CHILLS right now. I totally totally see it - my DH does too, I just showed it to him. From my experience with those HPTs, I never saw evap lines... oh oh oh I hope this is it for you!!!!!

    (eek! I still have chills :) :) :)

  4. Emmy, I see it! I hope this is it for you!!!!

  5. Oh girl - I am holding my breath for you.

    --- but you should keep breathing! some big deep relaxing breaths!

  6. I see it on the tiny picture on my iPhone!!! I can't wait to see darker ones!

  7. That doesn't look like a shadow to me- It looks like a clear 2nd line :D :D It's much darker then the first positive I got. I can't wait for you to test tomorrow :) !!!

  8. Wow Emmy! It looks clear to me!! I hope this is it!!!

  9. i thought from your description it was going to be one that you have to look at a million different ways to kinda see it. but this is just staring straight at you!!!! I hope that it keeps getting darker and that you get it to stick for 9 long months. :)

  10. Emmy, I totally see it too! I am keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that it just gets darker tomorrow and this is it for you!

  11. Ummmm....yes! Who wouldn't be able to see that line??? I have used those tests before and it looked just like that. Those tests also take a bit of hcg to turn them any color. If the line has any color, and not grey, then it looks like a positive!!!

  12. Emmy, that's a LINE! I can clearly see it. It looks like the first positive I got. Can't wait to see what today's test will show!!

  13. Here's hoping it's so much more than shadows! Keep us posted - and on what you habby had to say! Holding thumbs.


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