
First, I want to thank all of you who constantly reassure me and help me through my neuroses.  It's good to know that others have experienced the same things and everything has turned out okay.

The new thing driving me crazy is insomnia!  It has been taking me longer to fall asleep.  Then, I'll wake up in the middle of the night and have to pee.  After that, I can't get back to sleep.  At all.  I try not to look at the clock, because that usually just causes me more anxiety knowing how much longer I have to sleep.

The scan went well today!  I saw a different doctor than normal, but I really liked him.  We got to hear the heartbeat, which was 180 bpm.  The baby is still measuring a day ahead and we could see the spine, arms, and legs.  The picture isn't that clear, but you can still sort of see the gummy bear look.  The heart was strong, and we could see the umbilical cord pulsing too.  I have another appointment in 10 days, and if all is well then, I will get to be released to a regular OB!  I need to find one still.

Here's our little gummy bear!


  1. What an absolutely GORGEOUS Gummy Bear Emmy!!!!! Woo hoo:)

  2. Awesome. It sounds like everything is just going great in there. I hope that the insomnia works itself out before too long.

  3. WOO-HOO!!! What a wonderful picture of your little bummy bear =) I'm so happy for you!

    Sorry about the insomnia, one of the not so nice side effects of pregnancy. I had it to and just tried to use some relaxation techniques of concentrating on my breath to put me back to sleep.

  4. Your Gummy is starting to take form of a Baby...next US will be FUN!!!!

  5. What a cute little gummy!!! I'm so glad everything is developing right on track!

  6. YES! Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL gummy bear, Emmy!

    I'm sorry about the insomnia - I remember having that, too. :/

    So happy for you. . . sososososo happy.

  7. Yay Emmy! So thrilled and overjoyed for you!!!!

  8. What a gorgeous sight :-) And Emmy, I think you can really drop the question mark in your labelling now - it should read "pregnant!!" ;-)


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