
I am so exhausted.  I didn't get a nap today.  In addition to that, I spent over 4 hours in my classroom working today.  I don't know how I am going to manage it once the kids come!  After that, I went to two stores for groceries.  So tired.

My nausea is back with a vengeance.  Today is probably the worst it's been.  I still haven't blown chunks, but I really thought I was going to earlier and sort of right now.  

I can't wait to see the baby again on Thursday!  I hope it is still doing well.  


  1. Preplanning is exhausting even when you're not pregnant!! Just keep going one day at a time - before you know it, you'll have your energy back!

  2. YAY my comments work again!! had to post as Name/URL instead of WordPress.

  3. Sorry you are feeling so crappy! I hope your energy comes back soon. <3

  4. Lemme tell ya'.

    The excitement in seeing the baby every time at the doctors's office will NEVER wane. Nor will the concerns. Now that my baby is three-months-old and pooping, crying, and sighing in my arms, the concerns are still real. Welcome to parenthood!

    I really like your blog and look forward to following you.

    Yours in parenthood,


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