
I'm totally going to become have already become a boring pregnancy blogger.  I don't really have anything interesting to say.

The anxiety is still really there.  My symptoms have lightened up a bit in the last few days, which makes me really nervous.  I'm only 8w2d- I shouldn't be coming out 1st trimester symptoms yet.  But, I've been hungry and not as tired.  Even my acne is clearing up.  I'm so nervous for the scan on Monday.  B can't go because he has a meeting at work, but my mom is going to go with me.

I ended up ordering a doppler.  It came the other day.  I haven't tried it yet, because I think it is too early and I want to wait at least until I see that testiclese/clitiva is still alive.

In unpregnancy related freak-outs, something scared the crap out of me this morning.  I'm just relaxing on the couch, and I hear something banging around/scratching from somewhere in the house.  My house is strange, in that part of it is on a raised foundation, and part of it slab.  It stopped after a few seconds, then came back a few minutes later.  I got up and stomped around on the raised part, and banged on the walls too.  I haven't heard it again.  It could have been a rabbit, a rat, a raccoon, a squirrel, a bird, possum, or coyote.  We've seen all of those animals around here.  I guess it could be a lost domesticated animal.  It sounded bigger than a rat.  Oh crap, there it is again and it is going crazy.  It is definitely under the house somewhere.  I can hear it move around.  Why can't it just go out the way it came in??


  1. Emmy, I started to feel better (not good but better) with both babies at around 8 weeks. I have to say it was a much welcome relief, I don't think I could go 6 more weeks feeling as bad as I do 6-8 weeks. So anyway, hopefully you're just like me, and little bean in there is still doing awesome!

  2. While I haven't really been feeling sick, my heartburn stopped about a week and a half ago and totally freaked me out,since it was my only really discernible symptom. I'm sure everything's fine!

  3. I started feeling better around 8wks but then at 10wks all symptoms came back full watch out...its probably just a trick:)Now Im 11wks and Im so very tired more so than ever before:)

  4. I just read through your blog and am so excited for you! We are thinking of using donor sperm so this is all very educational for me. I hope you feel better soon!

  5. Boring is good =) At the end of 1T most of my symptoms left too and I was freaked out! Reality is that your body is probably just getting use to all those crazy hormones. The doppler was super helpful in keeping me calm, we started using it at about 10 weeks and were reliably able to hear the h/b.


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