
I've been having lots more vivid dreams.

The strangest ones have involved people who have passed away-- my dad, my brother, grandparents, and my friend.  My friend, who died of liver cancer two years ago, knew she was dying in my dream and wanted one last outing with me.  They've all been so real.

I also had one a few nights ago where we found out that the baby was a boy.  In this same dream, I also had already had the baby, and he was like 6 months old.  It was all very strange!  I'm so curious and anxious to find out what the gender is.  I'll have the NT scan at 13 weeks- maybe they'll be able to tell then!  It seems so long to wait until mid October or so to find out!

We've slowly started telling people.  A few close friends know now and are very excited for us.  I'm hoping to wait until Sept. 20th to announce it to work, although like 6 people at work already know!  Others have been eying my belly, so I'm hoping to be able to hold out for these next 3.5 weeks.

I have my first 'regular' OB appointment soon!  I'm excited and nervous!


  1. Wow I wonder if you will end up having a boy. I don't remember having any nice dreams during the pregnancy, only nightmares, glad that isn't the case for you!

  2. Oooh, maybe it's a boy! I totally had girl dreams when I was pg with Eliza.

    Mid-October will be here before you know it. I can't wait to find out!

    You should put up a pgcy ticker or something, I'm always wondering how far along you are! Sorry, that was totally pushy of me! LOL ;-)

  3. I've never commented before, but I have to spread the joy about the 13-week NT scan! We didn't expect to be able to tell the gender that early, but it was clear as day (high-quality machine and really nice tech willing to go look :-)). Had the 20-week ultrasound last month and they double-confirmed. SO fun to find out our baby was a girl that early! There's hope for you. :)

  4. I remember those dreams too! I also had a dream where the baby looked about 6 months old and I remember wondering if he'd really look like that (he didn't, by the way - but I still know what my dream baby looked like!). This was after we'd found out the gender though so I already knew it'd be a boy.
    Can't wait for you to find out - I think it is a boy, as you've already "feel" it this way!
    And yay for finally telling people :-)


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