no complaints

As crappy as I feel sometimes, I really have no complaints about this pregnancy.  Yes, it is/can be a bit annoying to feel like throwing up all the time, alternating between insomnia and sleeping all the time, and being backed up, but I'm happy to have it.  With all that it took to get pregnant, I would gladly feel like this, or worse, for the next 7 months if it means I get to bring home a baby at the end.  When I talk about my symptoms, I'm not complaining (or at least not trying to) but just reporting.  I'm so grateful to be this far, and hope that everything continues to go well.

The bump is growing.  Regular clothes are getting more and more difficult to fit into, even my 'fat' clothes.  The fat clothes are funny because they are tight around the waist, but huge in the hips, butt, and thighs!  I think I need to dig through my closet this week, figure out what is too small and store it under the bed, and find some things I can fit into now.  I've also been given some maternity clothes and purchased a few items that I need to find.  It will make my first few weeks back to work easier.

The doppler is one of my new best friends.  I first found the heartbeat with it last Friday, which was really exciting.  It was measuring a few beats faster than at my appointment- around 160 bpm.  I don't want to use it too often, but love the reassurance that it gives.  Hearing that heart beating away does take away stress and anxiety for me, so I think it's worth it.  It took me a long time to find it again yesterday, but I got it eventually.  I know as baby continues to grow, it will get easier and easier.  I just can't wait to feel movement!


  1. IMO your allowed to complain about the symtoms...after all we tried so hard to TTC that the symtpoms should skip us =)

    Making the switch to maternity clothes sounds necessary for sure. For me it was comforting to clean out the closet and only have things that fit to choose from.

  2. LOVED my doppler - I think I used it every single day until I felt her move.

    So glad everything is going well, and you have such a good attitude about the symptoms you're having -- throwing up is no fun!!

  3. I'm glad that for the most part you are doing well. I think you are allowed to complain when you feel miserable though, it doesn't mean you love the baby any less or diminish how hard the road was for you to get to this spot. I'm glad you are able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler:) It must be very comforting.

  4. Wow amazing that your doppler already works...must be a really good one:) So wonderful!!!

  5. Hey Girl - I love that you know the words to Free to Be :) I got your comment on my phone earlier today and had the song stuck in my head for the next hour too :)

    I hereby give you every right to experience every little bit of this pregnancy. You can complain all you want, celebrate all you want, talk about it all you want! You earned the right to experience it all! (and I want to live vicariously thru your pain and joy :)

    So, I would have NEVER thought about a doppler, but it sounds awesome. How did you decide to get it? Did you talk to your doctor about it? Oh my gosh, I think I'll have to get one when my time comes. I want to know all about it!


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