OB take 2

It took me 3 tries to find an RE that I was happy with.  Hopefully the search for OB won't take as long.  However, the first one is out and appointment number two is on the books for a few weeks from now.  I'm thinking about scheduling a 3rd appointment now, just to be safe.

OB #1 was literally over 75 years old and couldn't hear what I was saying more than half the time.  He didn't know how to date the pregnancy based on the egg retrieval, so it was a good thing I knew when to say my LMP was so that it was dated right, and asked when the embryos were implanted.  I told him that REs haven't found a way to implant embryos into the uterine wall, but two were transferred on 6/29.  The office staff was rude and disorganized, and the lady answering phones complained and talked about each call out loud to herself or the waiting room or whoever.  I pretty much left there in tears.

I called OB #2 and got the soonest appointment I could make.  They use a different perinatologist than the other one, so I now have two peri appointments for first trimester screenings.  I need to cancel one of them.  I'm thinking of calling OB #3 and making an appointment as a new patient and asking who they use for their peri.  If it's one of the two people I have appts. with, I'll keep whichever one it is.  Peri #2 has some not so hot ratings on various websites, but peri #1 doesn't.  I just don't know.  OB #3 who I'd call has TONS of fantastic ratings-- in fact, I didn't see any negative.  OB #2 reviews mentioned a dry sense of humor and that he sometimes seemed abrupt.

I hate this!  I wish my insurance covered the one I want to go to.

Oh yeah, baby is fine. Heart rate was 160 and I still haven't gained any weight.  11weeks, 2 days today.  (Ella, I'll get a ticker up soon! ETA- it's under my history)


  1. Teehee, thanks for putting the ticker up!

    Hope you find an OB you like (OMG, I had to laugh about OB #1) Have you considered a midwife?

  2. Happy everything is good with your bean =) Hope you get a good OB and peri combo figured out soon.

  3. How awful! I'm glad that you don't have to go back to OB number 1!! I hope the next one is much much better.


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