
Showing posts from September, 2010

16 weeks

How Far Along?   16 weeks Total Weight Gain?   -1 pound.  I get full so quickly! Symptoms?  Exhausted!  Less so than the 1st trimester, but still so tired.  How Big is Baby?   Baby is about the size of an avocado.  She is 4.5- 5 inches long and about 3.5 ounces in weight.   Sleep?  Sometimes great and sometimes bad insomnia.  My bladder wakes me up around 4 am, and I don't usually go back to sleep.   Best Moment Last Week?  Telling my class about the baby!  They are so excited, as is my class from last year.  Movement?   Not sure.  I've felt something a couple of times, but it isn't often enough to tell what it is.   Food Cravings?   Nothing specific- different things at different times! What I am looking forward to?  Feeling movement for sure!  


We really started telling about the pregnancy this weekend.  I'm telling the staff at my work today.  It's been fun and really nice not to have the secret anymore!  I also found out that one of my good friends is due a month after me, which is really exciting.  I don't really like a lot of attention, so am a bit nervous about 30+ women finding out today at work.  I feel like I'll be hiding in my classroom all day!  I do have a lot of work to do, but I know no matter what, it'll come. Yesterday we also went in for an early gender reveal scan!  Baby was super active and moving all over the place.  The tech was pretty certain of the gender.  She checked twice just to make sure.  We're very happy and excited, but part of me still worries that we'll find out something different at our 20 week scan.  Although, both OB's I saw this week said they weren't totally sure but made the same guess as what we heard yesterday.  Do you wanna kn...

to OB #3

I met with OB #2 on Wednesday and felt much better about that practice than the first one I went to.  I had scheduled a 3rd consult for today, so I am keeping it, but I'd be happy with #2.  It is a husband and wife team-- the wife is the chief of staff at the hospital I'll deliver at and the husband is chief of labor and delivery there as well.  The husband delivered my former gyn's baby!  He did a quick ultrasound, which I wasn't expecting and took a guess at the gender, but then said he didn't really know. What do you think?  Boy or girl?  Vote in the poll on the right and let me know!! Hopefully today's appointment goes well.  I'd love nothing more than to have to make a tough choice between two doctors I like!

NT scan

I'm back from the NT scan!  Everything looked great.  Baby was moving tons.  It was actually hard for the tech to get good pictures because it was moving so much!  They were not able to make a gender guess.  I had a dream a few weeks ago that it was a boy, but then today during the scan I started calling it she without even thinking.  She was being a little bit stubborn, and was curled up the whole time so it was hard to take a CRL measurement.  In her little ball, though, she was measuring 12w5d, which is 3 days behind, but they weren't concerned.  I go back Oct. 22 for the anatomy scan.   My cold has gotten worse.  My nose just won't stop dripping!  The Dr. told me I could take sudafed, which hasn't really done anything.  I've been up since before 4am with the drippies, but was able to nap for an hour this afternoon.  Hopefully tonight will be better and I'll feel better tomorrow.  Thanks for the advice on what to do!  I'm gonna go pick a few lemons for ...


Well, me feeling a little bit sick last Sunday has turned into a full on, throat on fire, sneezey, headachey, cold.  I'm so glad I don't have work today or tomorrow.  The first thing I did when I got up this morning with my burning throat was look up my favorite tea for when I'm sick to see if it is okay during pregnancy.  Of course, it isn't.  No throat coat for me.  I turned to gargling warm salt water instead.  Then, I remembered that a friend had given me some leftover pregnancy tea from her pregnancy, so I brewed up a cup and stirred in the juice of a fresh lemon.   Instead of being a day of being productive, it's been a day of chicken soup, salt water, tea, and napping.  Oh well.  I am doing a few loads of laundry, so at least that is something!  NT scan tomorrow.  Will they care that I have a cold?   Anyone have any good, pregnancy safe cold/sore throat remedies?  

plugging along

There really isn't much to say at this point.  I'm plugging along, doing fine. Yesterday, I bowed out of a BBQ with B's family.  In May I mentioned BIL's ex and her "surprise" (planned) pregnancy.  One of the reasons for this BBQ was for BIL's birthday, and she decided to drive down to attend (she's still living 5-6 hours away).  She's like 26 weeks pregnant, and the thought of having to spend the day with her made me feel ill.  BIL isn't planning on living with her and the baby or marrying her, but will go visit often.  She is such an attention whore, I couldn't deal with her talking about the baby and flaunting the fact that she is still around because of it.  I've felt a little bit of a cold coming on, so I exaggerated it and stayed home.  I did end up throwing up my dinner, so I'm glad I didn't go. I felt a little guilty about skipping out on this, but I got over it quickly.  MIL was hoping that B and I would announce our ...