
We really started telling about the pregnancy this weekend.  I'm telling the staff at my work today.  It's been fun and really nice not to have the secret anymore!  I also found out that one of my good friends is due a month after me, which is really exciting.  I don't really like a lot of attention, so am a bit nervous about 30+ women finding out today at work.  I feel like I'll be hiding in my classroom all day!  I do have a lot of work to do, but I know no matter what, it'll come.

Yesterday we also went in for an early gender reveal scan!  Baby was super active and moving all over the place.  The tech was pretty certain of the gender.  She checked twice just to make sure.  We're very happy and excited, but part of me still worries that we'll find out something different at our 20 week scan.  Although, both OB's I saw this week said they weren't totally sure but made the same guess as what we heard yesterday.  Do you wanna know?  It looks like we're having a girl!!  We're thrilled and want to start thinking of names.  I kinda want a name that starts with a J to honor my brother and father who have passed.  If we also go for an E middle name, baby will have the same initials as FIL, BIL, and nephew which I think would be cool  I'm totally open to suggestions!


  1. Yeahh for a baby girl!! So very exciting.

  2. How fun to start telling! Yay to a little girl.

  3. Awww how fun are little girls?! It's so exciting telling people at work too. They won't look at you like your nuts when your randomly rubbing your belly ;)

  4. YYYAAAYYYYYYYY!!!! A girl!!! :) Oh, so exciting! GL telling work today, can't wait to hear everyone's reactions and how it goes - get ready to get lots of attention!

  5. I started telling people officially at my work last week. So exciting (and now I don't have to dodge questions about why I have so many doctor appointments).

  6. Yay Emma! I am so thrilled for you! Girls are so much fun I love having my daughter. I agree with Ella get ready for lots of attention it is a great time in your life and enjoy every moment! I am so happy for you!

  7. Congratulatins!!! Little girls are tons of fun =) I love thinking of names...I like Jade, Jada, Josie, Joss, Joy and Julia for J names and Ella, Estela, and Eva for E names. Have fun telling everyone and lap up the attention hon, it's a happy time that goes by SO quickly!

  8. Julie is an awesome name! :)

    Congrats. I can't wait to find out!

  9. Congratulations!!! I don't know about you but as a teacher, I like looking at my rosters and thinking about whether I would ever name my kid that. Anyway, the best J-name that I've taught over the years is Jocelyn. If we have a girl, we're going to name her Evelynn after my great grandmother, and if we had twin girls the other one would have been Jocelynn to match. "Joss" is such a kick-ass knick name, very spunky. Good luck dealing with the barage of folks at work! I'm definitely dreading that conversation myself.

  10. YAY! I'm excited to read that everything is going well and that you're having a girl... it's the year of the girl! Everyone I know that's pregnant or had a kid this year has a girl!

    I love the name Jemma, but after Bubs was born we determined it wasn't "The One."

    I'm so sorry I've been MIA... newborns are time consuming! ;) I think about you often!


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