
Well, me feeling a little bit sick last Sunday has turned into a full on, throat on fire, sneezey, headachey, cold.  I'm so glad I don't have work today or tomorrow.  The first thing I did when I got up this morning with my burning throat was look up my favorite tea for when I'm sick to see if it is okay during pregnancy.  Of course, it isn't.  No throat coat for me.  I turned to gargling warm salt water instead.  Then, I remembered that a friend had given me some leftover pregnancy tea from her pregnancy, so I brewed up a cup and stirred in the juice of a fresh lemon.  

Instead of being a day of being productive, it's been a day of chicken soup, salt water, tea, and napping.  Oh well.  I am doing a few loads of laundry, so at least that is something!  NT scan tomorrow.  Will they care that I have a cold?  

Anyone have any good, pregnancy safe cold/sore throat remedies?  


  1. I got a neti pot, and used a humidifier at night. I also discovered afrin, which helped some with the stuffy nose. For the sore throat I gargled and sucked on zinc drop and cough drops. It all sort of worked, but I still was miserable. It does go away eventually.

  2. I'm in the same boat as you girl, had this cold for five days and still miserable!!! My nurse gave me a list of every med I can take for every conceivable need, and she said chloraseptic throat spray is ok for sore throats. I also like to use one of those neck wraps that you put in the microwave, but heat it low and lay it across my face to help release my sinuses. And of course, tea with honey.

  3. I like honey + fresh lemon juice on a spoon...

    But that might just be because it's tasty :)

  4. Sorry you're sick! My doc told me to take antihistamines for a cold when I was pregnant. GL at your NT scan tomorrow...I don't think they'll care that you're sick. Can't wait to hear how it goes!

  5. I had chronic stuffed up nose all throughout my pregnancy at night so I started using the Breathe Right strips. It really helped me breathe when sleeping which then relieved the awful dry mouth I had from mouth breathing in my sleep. Sorry you're sick, its no fun at all :( Good luck at your NT scan tomorrow!!


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